Proof of Service SubstitutedCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 9, 2020qfifiifo£hi§f9£fiqgcicy£9g2r (0f a publiq‘agency) Clerk stamps date here whenform isfifed Proof of Service Use this form to serve a person. business, or public entity. To learn‘more ab‘out proof of'service, r‘ead What Is Proof ofService?, Form 80-1 048’, To learn more about how to serve a business or public entity, read How to Serve a Business,Form SC-104C, . T0 serve a business, you must serve one 0f the following people: OOwner (for a sole proprietorship or a business, form unknown) -Par1ner (for a partnership) or general partner (for a limited partnership) .Any officer 0r general manager (corporation or association) Bupg , 9%. . afmgfoslfl? OAny person authorized for service by the business (corporation, association, BY- 4!g"’_ _ _ an Eagalmm General partnership, limited partnership) Fm 1." CW1 sues gwcpw‘gu .An erson authorized for service with the Secreta 0f State co oration, l asszgation, limitedJiability company (LLC), limitg-nabilitygarrgaership sum" °°‘"‘ °' °a'"°""'a' °°“"‘V °' (LLP), limited partnership) Santa ‘7'?” K To serve a public entity,you must first file a claim with that entity, then 191 N' FI'St St‘ serve one 0fthe following people: 53" J°S°' CA 96113 oClerk (0f a city 0r county) . Any person authorized for service by the entity. Fifi?5m number. case 5am}, h57mEHare-Iz'izi “5132737? department below: a. Ifyou are serving a person, write the person‘s name below: Case Number: Scott L DelCastilIo zoscoasus b. Ifyou are serving a business 0r public entity, write the name 0fthe Case Name: business or entity, the person authorized for service, and that person's Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union job title: VS- Scott L DSICastillo Business or Agency Name Hearing Date: 4/13I2021 Person AumorEZedror Service - Jon Title _ Timggoo PM Dapgé ® Instructions to Server You must be at least 18 years 01d and not be amed in this case. Follow these steps: . Give a copy 0fthe documents checked in t0 the person in , or o Give a copy ofthe documents checked in t0: a. A competent adult (at least 18) at the home ofand living with the person in ®or b. An adult (at least 18) who seems to be in charge or c. An adult (at least 18) who seems Io be in charge at tha place where the person receives mail (n01 a U.S. Postal Service P.O. Box), ifthere is no known physical address for the person in ® and mail a copy 0fthe documents Iefi with one of the adults in a, b, 0r c above to the person in ®. THEN - d“ :CEEnfalétE {ridfinihi; f6§3§§215 7 .Give 0r mail your completed fonn lo the person who asked you l0 serve these court papers, in timefor the form to befiled with the court at least 5 days before the hearing. ® lsmen/ed the person in ® a copy of the documents checked below: \ J O a. S C; @WL 77k ,__._W.- ‘ .x 7 - wfiv-\r _ __*.,-. ~_ ,. _ - v__. 1, C-IOO, Plaintiff‘s Claim and ORDER l0 G0 to Small Claim Court b.D SC-120, Defendants Claim and ORDER t0 Go to Small Clams Court c.D Order for Examination (Thisform must be personally served. Put a check mark next to theform that was served): Note: The court can issue a civil arrest warrant zfthe servea'party does not come to court but only 1fthe Order for Examination was personally served by a registeredprocess server, sheriff,” marshal, or someone appointed by the court. (1) D SC-134, Application and Order f0 Produce Statement ofAssers and t0 Appearfor Examination (2)D AT-l38fEJ-l25, Application and Orderfor Appearance and Examination d. MOther (speczfiz):Request to Participate In On-Llne Dlspute Resolution (ODR) for Small Claims Litigants; Notice to Small Ciaims thigants 8- What are the Benefits o! Mediation? $13892 _ . JudicialCouncilof Cali‘fomia, _ 1 f Revised January 1. 2009, Optional Form PROOF 0F SERVICE SC 104. Page o 2 Code oICMIProcedure,§§115,340,415.1o_ 415.20 (Smail Claims) Case Number: 2080083448 o Case llama: Santa Clara Countv Federal Credlt Unfan vs. Scott L DeICastlHo' I © Fill? out "a" or "b" below: r ' am Personal Service: lpersonally gave copies of the documents checked in ®to the person in ®2 On (date): At (time): At this address: City: State: Zip: A competent adult (at least 18) at the home of, and living with the person in, 0r An adult (at least 18) who seems t0 be in charge where the person in ® usually works 0r A11 adult (at least 18) who seems to be in charge where the person in ® receives mail, 0r has a private mailbox (not a U.S. Postal Service P.O. Box), if there is no known physical address for the person in . hm ESubstituted Serviced personally gave copies ofthe documents checked in ® (qé 0r d) t0 (check one).- U D I told that adult, "Please give these court papers t0 (name ofperson in ® ). *“‘%I did this on (date):2!11!2021 -- » __ __, ~ fl k, At this address: 1400 Orchard Rd Unit B City/State/Zip: Hollister CA 95023 Name 0r description ofthe person I gave the papers to: Noel DelCastillo - Father - Confirmed Residency AGE: 7O HEIGHT: 5'10" WEIGHT: 210 HAIR: Brown RACE: White EYES: Blue Afler serving the court papers, I put copies ofthe documents listed in ®in an envelope, sealed the envelope, and put first-class prepaid postage 0n i1. I addressed [he envelope 10 the person in at the address where I lefi the copies. Imailed the enveIOpe on‘fdare): gfl112021 from (city, state): Monterev. CA. CA by leavin it at (check one): a. At a U.S. Postal Service mail drop, or b. MAt an omcc 0r business mail drop where l know the mail is picked up every clay and deposited with the U.S. Postal Service, or CD With someone else I asked to mail the documents to the person in ® , and I have attached that person's completed Form SC-104A. ® Server's Information Name: DANIEL H CASAS Phone: (8311 3845030 Address: 2511 Garden Road. Suite B-1 oo City: Montgr9V.CA 93940 _ r A r, 7 fir V__ l, ~_...._.___> _,_‘ 4.,- ____ _ Fee for service: $ 54 00 (Ifyou are a regisreredprocess server): County ofregistration:fin Benito Registration number: 201 8043 © I declare, under penalty 0f perjury under California State law, that I am al least 18 years 01d and not lister ' case and that the information above is tme and correct. Documents served in accordance with COVID- 19 Safe Serving Policy, which includes social distancing. Date: 2I1 112021 DANIEL H CASAS Type 0r print server's name Server signs here afler serving Revised January 1, 2009 PROOF OF SERVICE (Small Claims) 50-104. 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