Order Request for Court Order Small ClaimsCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 9, 2020A Order on Requestfor Court Order (Small Claims) ® The court has received and considered (check a1! rim! apply): MRequesrfor Court Order afggiAnswer, Form SC-IOS (page 1) filed 0n: DEC 3.512020 D Ansxver on Requestfor Court Order and Answer, Form SC-l 05 (page 2 filed 0n: D Other (speczfii): Clank stamps date here when form i5 filed. Clerk fills in court name and street address: ® The court makes the following orders: 3- D The request is granted. b. D The request is denied. c_ D You must go t0 court ifyou want to be heard. A hearing on this request is scheduled as follows: Hearing Date T1me Dept. Date Name and address 0f court ifdifferent from above Superior Court of California, County of Superior Court Civil Division 191 N. First St. San Jose. CA 951 13 Clem fills in case number and case name below: Case Number: 2958083443 Case Name: d. D Bring evidence to the hearing t0 support your request. e. D Other orders (speczfl): f. D Explanation for decision (z'fany): Date: ’ (Judge 0r Judicial Officer) Need help? . - Clerk’s Certificate 0f Mailing-0 For free help, contact your county’s Small Icenify that I am not involved in this case and (check one): Claims AdVisor: D A Certificate ofMailing is attached. ‘jmau'Ciaims Advism D This Order was mailed first class, postage paid, t0 all (408} 882-2100, (Opfions 21 5-) parties at the addresses listed in© and® on the Request ‘ for Cour! Order and Answer. Or, g0 to "County-Specific Coun Information" at: On (date): www‘courtz'nfo.ca.gov/selfheAU/smallclairns From (city): , California Clerk, by , Deputy Requests for Accommodations Assistive listening systems, computer-assisted real-time captioning, or sign language interpreter services are available ifyou ask at least 5 days before the hearing. Contact the clerk’s office for Requestfor Accommodations by Persons With Disabilities and Response (Form MC-41 0). Civil Code, § 54.8 Judicial Council of California wmvcoum'nfovcagov 50-105A. P 1 r1Newmnmtzoompfim Fm Order on Request for Court Order age 0 Code ofcwu Procedure, §§ 11643001]; Camomia Rures or com rule 3.2107 (S mall Claims) X X At the 11/2/20 hearing, the Court found defendant Nicole was properly served, so the clerk shall mail her notice of the next court date if it has not done so already. Plaintiff will be given the chance to prove up whether defendant Scott has been properly sub-served so should be prepared to address this at the next hearing. Signed: 12/16/2020 04:20 PM Signed: 12/17/2020 08:41 AM December 17, 2020 Filed December 17, 2020 County of Santa Clara Superior Court of CA Clerk of the Court 20SC083448 By: ddagnino SAN JOSE SAN JOSE ddagnino XX Commissioner Christine Copeland