Minute OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 9, 2020SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA MINUTE ORDER Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union vs Scott Hearing Start Time; 1:00 pM DelCastillo et al Hearing Type: Claim: Plaintiffand 205C083448 Defendant Date 0f Hearing: 11/02/2020 Comments: Line #04 Heard By: Copeland, Christine Location: Department 15 Courtroom Reporter: Recording Electronic Courtroom Clerk: Kathy Davidson Court Interpreter: Court Investigator: Parties Present: Future Hearings: Santa Clara County Federal Plaintiff Credit Union Exhibits: - Court convenes 0n the record at 1:30 p.m. Michael Van Winkle appears 0n behalf 0fthe PLAINTIFF [ SANTA CLARA FEDERAL CREDIT UNION ]. The COURT notes for the record that the DEFENDANT [ NICOLE E. DELCASTILLO] was properly served. The COURT further notes that the DEFENDANT [SCO'I'I' L. DEL CASTILLO] was NOT properly served. RESET/ RESERVE Primfid: 11/2/2020 11/02/2020 Claim: Plaintiff and Dfifc‘ndant - EDSCOSS-HS Page l Ofl Primfid: 11/2/2020 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA MINUTE ORDER 11/02/2020 Claim: Plaintiff and Dfifc‘ndant - EDSCOSS-HS