Plaintiff s Claim 5001 to 10000Cal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 18, 2020Plaintiff's Claim ‘and' ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court Notice to the person being sued: You are the defendant if your name is listed in 0n page 2 of this form. The person suing you is the plaintiff, listed in on page 2. You and the plainlifl'must go to court on the trial dale listcd bclow. lfyou do not go to court, you may lose the case‘ If you lose, thc court can order that your wages, money, or property be taken to pay this claim. Bring witnesses, receipts, and any evidence you need to prove you: case. Read this form and all pages attached to understand lhc claim against you and to protect your rights Aviso al Demandado: Usted cs cl Dcmandado si s_u nombrcfigura en_®_dc_ lanpégina 2 de este formulario. La persona que lo dcmanda cs cl Demandanle, la que figura en ® de la pégina 2. Usted y cl Demandante tienen que presentarse en la corte en la fecha del juicio indicada a continuacién. Si no se presenta, puedc perder el caso. ‘ Si picrde el caso la cone podria ordenar que le quilen dc su sueldo, dincro u otros bicncs para pagar eslc rcclamo. Clerk stamps data here when form is filed. Fill in mun name and street address: Superior Court of Callfomla, County of Santa Clara Superior Court I91 North First Street San Jose, CA 95] 13 Coud fills in case number when form is filed. Cas W?Coazzes Case Name: Maria Casu’cjon vs. Jose Luis Godinez ' Llcve testigos, recibos y cualquier otra prueba que necesilc para probar su caso. ' Lea este formulario y todas las péginas adjuntas para cntcndcr la dcmanda en su contra y para proleger sus derechos. The people In® and ® must go t0 court(Clerkflls out section below.) Time->Dae ' Lahg‘ 29 8130a," 2' A Trial Depar‘tzlenl Name and address of court, if different from above Date 3. F Date: MA! 22 2020 Clcrky by Instructions for the person suing: - EjMARTINq) - You arc thc plaintiff. The person you are suing is the dcfcndanL - Before you fill out this form, read form SC-lOO-INFO, lnformationfor the Plaintifi to know your rights. Get SC-100- INFO at any courthouse or county law library, or go to - Fill out pages 2 and 3 ofthis form. Then make copies ofall pages ofthis form. (Make one copy for each party named in [his case and an cxlra copy for yourself.) Take or mail the original and these copies lo the court clerk‘s office and pay the filing fee. Thc clerk will write lhc date of your trial in the box above. - You must have someone at least lS-nol you or anyone else listed in this case-give each defendant a court-stamped copy of all five pages of this form and any pages this form tells you to attach. There are special rules for “serving,” or delivering, Lhis form to public cnlilics, associations, and somc businesses. Sec forms SC-104, SC-104B, and SC-l 04C. - Go to court on your trial date listed above. Bring witnesses, receipts, and any evidence you nccd to prove your case. SC-100, Page 1 ofS 9 Judlchl Cwncl of Callomh. Ruvkod Jimmy 1. 2020. M Form Cod- olel Mum, §§ IIGJIDot uq“ 11a.zzo(c). 113,34”) Plaintiff's Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court (Small Claims) Plaintiffflist names): ' I Case Number: Maria Castrejonl I 2 O S C 0 8 3 3 8 5 (D The plaintiff (the person, business, or public entity that is suing) Is: Name: Maria Castrejon Phone: (408) 849-7514 Street address: 1905 Poco Way Apt 2 San Jose CA 951 I6 Sires! City ‘ Stale Zip Mailing address (ifdiflerenOI Street City Stare Zip lf more than one plaintiff, list next plaintiff here: Name: Phone: Street address: Sfmet City Stare _ Zip . Mpilinggdgrgss (Ifdiflereqt): Street City Stew Zip D Check here ifmore than two plaintifls and allachform SC-l 00A. D Check here ifeirher plaintifllisted above i: doing business under afictitious name. Ifso, attachform SC-103. D Check here ifany plaintiflis a “licensee ” or "deferred deposit originator” (payday lender) under Financial Code sections 23000 er seq‘ ® The defendant (the person, business, or public entity being sued) is: Name: Josc Luis Godinez Phone: (408) 310-6993 Strecl address: 2245 Lanai AVenue Apt 73 San Jose CA 95122 Sheet Cily Stale Zip Mailing address (Ifdiflkrent): Sweet City Stats Zip If the defendant is a corporation, limited liability company, or public entity, list the person or agent authorized for service of process here: Name: Job title, ifknown: Address: Street City State Zip D Check here ifyour case is against more than one defendant, and attachform SC-I 00A. D Check here ifany defendant is an active military dam and write his or her name here: ® The plaintiff claims the defendant owes S 7,024.9 . (Explain below).- a. Why does the defendant owe the plaintiff money? Due to the negligent driving of the defendant mentioned on this complaint, the plaintiff has incurred property damages (vehicle) and expenses as a result of a vehicle accident caused by the defendant" When did this happen? (Date): 05/19/2019 b. If no specific date, give the lime period: Date started: Through: c. How did you calculate the money owed to you? (Do not include court costs orfeesfor service.) As of dale, thc defendant has failed to make pamcnts. The plaintiff seeks judgment from lhc courts to recover monies owed, damages and expenses incurred. ed. D Check here ifyou need more space. Attach one sheet ofpaper orfonn MC-03/ and write "SC-l 00, Item 3 " at the top. “"‘m “"""Y‘-’°z° Plaintiff’s Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court 5‘3"” P3992“ (Small Claims) 9 Plaintiff (list names): . ‘ ‘ Case Number: Maria Castrejon. I 2 0 S CO 8 3 3 8 5 /@ You must ask the defendant (in person, in writing, or by phone) to pay you before you / sue. If your claim is for possession of property, you must ask the defendant to give you the property. Have you done this? fl ch D No Ifno, explain why not: ® Why are you filing your claim at this courthouse? This cou rthouse covers the area (check the one that applies): a. (l) Where the defendant lives or does business. (4) Where a contract (written or spoken) was made, (2) Where the plaintiff's property was damaged. signed, performed, or broken by lhc defendant 0r (3) Where the plaintiff was injured. where the defendant lived or did business when the _ ._ g _ __ -__ defendant made the contract. ¥ b. D Where thc buyer or lessee signed lhc contract lives now, or lived when the contract was made, if this claim, is about an offer or contract for personal, family, or household goods, services, or loans. (Code Civ. Proc. § 395w.) c. D Where the buyer signed thc contract, livcs now, or livcd when thc contract was made, if this claim is about a retail installment contract (like a credit card). (Civ Code, § 1812.10.) d. U Where the buyer signed the contract, lives now, or lived when the contract was made, or whcrc the vehicle is permanently garaged, iflhis claim is about a vehicle finance salc. (Civ Code, § 2984.4.) e. D Other (specifi): ® List the zip code of the place checked in© above (ifyou know).- 951 16 ® Is your claim about an attorney-client fee dispute? D Yes E No Ifyay, and ifyou have had arbitration, fill ourform SC-IOI, attach it Io lhisjbrm, and check here: D Are you suing a public entity? D Yes E No lfyar, you mustfile a written claim with the enlityfirst. D A claim was filed on (date): Ifthe public entity denies your claim 0r does no! answer within the time allowed by law you canfile thisform. Have you filed more than 12 other small claims within the last 12 months in California? D ch E No IfyeS, Ihefilingfeefor this case will be higher. w ls your claim for more than $2,500? E Yes D No lfyev, l have nolfiled, and understand (hat I cannolfile, more than two small claims casesfar more than $2,500 in California during this calendar year. l understand that by filing a claim in small claims court, I have no right to appeal this claim. I declare, under penalty of perjury under California State law, that the information vc and on any attachments to this form is true and correct. Date: 01/20/2020 Maria Castrejon Plainlifltypes or prints name here 7 Date: ' Secondplainfifl'gwes or prints name here Secotidplainrflsigns here Requests for Accommodations Assistive listening systems, computer-assisled real-lime captioning, or sign language interpreter services arc available ifyou ask at least five days before Lhc trial. Contact the clerk‘s office for form .«g MC-4l 0, Requestfor Accommodations by Persons With Disabilities and Response. (Civ. Code, § 54.8.) “W“”Wm” Plaintiff’s Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court 50100: P3993 0’5 (Small Claims) ‘9 Information for the defendant (the person being sued) "Small ClalmS court" is a speda' COU" Where daims ‘0' ' Prove this is the wrong court. Send a letter to the court $1 0,000 or less are decided. Individuals, induding “natural before your trial expiaining why you think this is the wrong court. personS' and sole proprietorS. may claim Up to $10,000. Ask the ooun to dismiss the daim. You must serve (give) a copy corpora‘ions. DannerShiDS, PUb'iC enmies. and Omer bUSineSSGS of your letter (by mail or in person) to all parties. (Your letter to are limited lo claims of $5,000. (See below for exceptionsf) The the mun must say you have done so.) process is quick and cheap. The ru|es are simpIe and informal. , Go to the ma' and try to win your case_ Bring You are the defendanl-lhe person belng sued. The person who Is witnesses, receipts, and any evidence you need ‘0 prove your su'ng you '5 m9 Plamhfir‘ case. To have the court order a witness lo go to the trial, fill out DO I need a lawyer? You may talk to a lawyer before or after form sc-1o7 (Small Claims Subpoena) and have it sewed on the case. But you may not have a lawyer represent you in court the witness. (unless this is an appeal from a small claims case). . Sue the person who is suing you. If you have a Claim HOW d0 I get ready for court? YOU don" haVe 1° fi'e any against the plaintiff, and the claim is appropriate for small claims papers before your trial, unless you think lhis is the wrong court for court as described on this form, you may file Defendant's Claim your case But bring to your trial any WimeSSBS. WCBiPlS and (form SC-120) and bn'ng the claim in this action. If your daim is evidence thal Supports your case And [Bad 'Be Prepared for Your for mora than allowed In small.clalms.court,;you.may stilLfi|e il-ln Trial" at www..couns ca gov/smallclaims/prepare. smaII claims court if you give up the amount over the small What if I need an accommodation? If you have a c|aims value amount, or you may file a daim for the full value of the daim in the appropriate court. If your claim is for more lhan allowed in small daims court and relates to the same contract, transaction, matter, or event that is the subject of the plaintiffs claim, you may file your dalm in the appropriate coun and file a disability or are hearing impaired, fill out form MC-410, Request for Accommodations. Give the form lo your court dark or the ADA/ Access Coordinalor. What if | don"t Speak Eng'ish w.e"? ASK m9 co‘m Clerk motion to transfer the plaintiffs 's claim (o that court to resolve as 50°“ as POSS'b'e for a coun'PmV'ded "'“erpfmefi YOU may U59 both matters together. You can see a descripfion of the amounts fo’m ”“1300 0" "ma! 90”“ fo'm to requas‘ a” 'merpreler- ”a allowed in the paragraph above tilled “Small Claims Court." coud interpreter is not available at the time of your ln'al, it may b6 necessary to reschedule your trial. You cannot bn'ng your own ' Agree With the plaintiffs Claim and pay the interpreter for the ln'al unless the interpreter has been approved money. Or, if you can't pay the money now, go 10 your trial by the court as a certified, registered, or provisionally qualified and say you want to make payments. “19.3%? (see ca" RUIeS 0f coun' NIB 2'893' and form ' Let the case "default." If you don't settle and do not go to the trial (default), me judge may give the plaintiff what he or she is asking for plus coun costs. If this happens, the plaintiff mn legaily lake your money, wages, and property to pay the Where can I get the court forms I need? Go to any coudhouse or your county law library, or pn'nl forms at www. judgmem What happens at the trial? Thejudge will listen to both what i“ need more time? side}. The judge may make a decision at your ln'al or mail the you w" change the [rial dam if: dems'on ‘0 you la‘er‘ You cannot go to court on the scheduIed date (you will have to What if | lose the case?" you lose, you may appeal. You'll , pay a fee to postpone the trial), or have to pay a fee. (Plaintiffs cannot appeal their own claims.) You did nm gal served (receive this order to go lo court) at least . If you were at the tn'al, file form SC-140, Notice oprpeal. You . 15 days b9f°T° "‘9 "13' (0’ 20 days if Y°U "V9 OU‘Side ”‘9 musl file within 30 days afler the clerk hands or mails you the WWW), 0’ iudge-s decision (judgmem) on form 30200 or form 30130. You need more lime to get an interpreter. One postponement is Notice Of Entry ofJudgmem' allowed, and you will not have to pay a fee lo delay lhe trial. Ask the Small Claims Cletk about the ru|es and fees for postponing a trial. Or filI out form SC-150 (or wr'ne a letter) and mail it to the court and to all other people listed on your court papers before the deadline. Endose a check for your court fees, . If you were no! at the tn'al, fill oul and file form SC-1 35, Notice of Motion (o Vacate Judgment and Declaration, to ask the judge to cancel the judgment (decision). lf the judge does not give you a new trial, you have 10 days to appeal lha decision. File form sc_1 4o_ unless a fee waiver was granted. For more information on appeals, see Need hem? smalldalmyappeals' ‘ Your counly’s SmaII Claims Advisor can help for free. Do l have options? Yes. If you are being sued, you can: l- -l ' Settle your case before the trial. Ifyou and ma Sma”_Claims Adviser plaintiff agree on how lo setfle the wse, the plaimiff must file I form cuv-1 1o, Request for Dismissal, with the cnem. Ask the L (408) 882-21 00. (Options 2, 6) _' sma'l C'aims AdViSO' for he'P- Or go to ' Exceptlons: Different limits apply in an action against a defendant who is a guarantor. (See Code Civ. Proc,, § 116.220(c).) R""°“‘""""-2°2° Plaintiff’s Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court SC'1°°’ P399 “ff; (Small Claims) . r Informacién para el demandado (la persona demandada) La "Cone de rocla'mos men‘ores" es una cone especial donde se deciden cases por $10,000 o menos. Los individuos, o sea Ias 'personas flsicas' y los propietarios por cuenla propia. pueden redamar hasla $10,000. Las oorporaciones, asociacionas, entidades publicas y otras empresas solo pueden reclamar hasla $5,000. (Vea abajo para Ias excepciones.’) El proceso es répido y barato. Las reglas son sencillas e informales. Usled es el Demandado-la persona qua se esté demandando. La persona que Io esté demandando es el Demandanle‘ LNecesho un abogado? Pueda hablar con un abogado antes o después del caso. Pero no puede lener a un abogado que lo represenle anle la cone (a menos que se trale de una apeladbn de un caso de reclamos menores). LCémo me prepare para ir a la cone? No u‘ene que presentar ningunos papeles antes del juicio, a menos que piense que ésta es Ia oorle equivocada para su caso. Pero Ileve al juicio walquier iesligos, _ reggqs y,p_r,uebas.qua_apoyan_su.caso..Y_ IealEsléVpreparado para su juicio' en www.courts.cagovlreclamosmenores/preparese. ¢Qué hago sl necesflo una adaptacién? Si liene una discapacldad o liene impedimenlos de audicién, Ilene el formulario MC-410, Request for Accomodations. En‘regue el formulan'o al secretafio de la come o al Coordinador de Acceso/ADA de su corte. ¢Oué pasa sl no hablo blen lnglés? Sollcile un inlérprele al seoretario de Ia cone lo més pronto posible‘ Puede usar el forrnulario lNT-3OO o un formulan'o de su cone local. Si no eslé disponible un intérprete de la cone para su juido, es posible que se tenga que cambiar Ia fecha de sujuicio. No puede llevar su propio inlérprele para el juicio a menos que el intérprete haya sido apmbado por Ia corte como un inlérprele oem'ficado. regishado, o provisionalmente calificado. (Vea la regla 2.893 de Ias Reglas de la Cone de Califomia. y el formulario |NT-140.) ¢ande puedo obtener los formularlos de Ia corte que necesito? Vaya a cualquier edificio de la cone, Ia biblioteca legal de su oondado. o imprima los fonnularios en www.couns‘mgov/ smallclaimslforms (pégina esté en inglés). ¢0u6 pasa an el julclo? El juez escuchara a ambas panes. El juez puede tornar su dedsién duranle la audlencia o enviérsela por wn’eo después. LQué pasa sl plerdo el caso? Si pierde, puede apelar. Tendré que pagar una cuota‘ (El Demandanxe no puede apelar su propio reclamo.) . Si estuvo presents en el juicio. Ilene el fonnulan'o SC-140, Aviso de apelacién (Notice of Appeal). Tiene que presenlarlo denlro de 30 dlas después de que el seaelan'o le entregue o envie Ia decisién (fallo) del juez en el formulario SC-ZOO o SC-1 30, Aviso de publicacién del fallo (Notice of Entry of Judgmenl)‘ . Si no estuvo en el juicio, Ilene y presenle el formulan'o SC-1 35, Aviso de pelicién para anu/ar el Ia/Io y Declaracién para pedirie al juez que anule el fallo (decisién). Si la cone no le otorga un nuevo juicio. liene 1O dlas para apelar la decisién. Presents el forrnuiario SC-140. Para obtener mas infonnacibn sobre Ias apelaciones, vea www. ¢Tengo atlas opclones? Si. Si lo eslén demandando, puede: . Resolver su case antes del julclo. Si usted y el Demandanle sa ponen de acuerdo en oémo resoIver el caso. el Demandante Ilene que presenlar el fonnulario ClV-1 10, Solicilud de deseslimacién (Request for Dismissal) ante el sacraiario de la cone. Pldale al Asesor de Reclamos Menores que Io ayude. ‘ z Emma dlf‘ 11mm on un mntm un . . Probar que es Ia cone equivocada. Envle una carta a la cone antes del juicio explicando por qué cree que es Ia cone equivowda. Pldale a la cone que despida el reclamo.'fiene que enlregar (dar) una oopia de su mna (por correo o en persona) a lodas Ias partes. (Su carla a la corte tiene que decir que hizo la entrega.) . Ir al Julclo y tratar de ganar al caso. Llave lestigos. recibos y cualquier prueba que necesite para'probar su caso. Si desea que Ia cone emita una orden de oomparecencia para que los testigos vayan al juicio. Ilene el formulario 50-107, Citaton'o de rac/amos menorss (Small Claims Subpoena) y entrégueselo legalmenle al lesligo. . Demandar a la persona que lo demandé. Si liene un reclamo mntra el Demandanle, y el reclamo se puede presenter en Ia oorte de reclamos menores, tal como se describe en este formulan‘o, puede presentar el fonnulan‘o 80-120. Reclamo del qemanqago (DQfgnQagljgfibim) y,p(esenlado,en.este_mismo .- 7 r w wso. Si su reclamo excede el llmile permilido en la code de redamos menores. puede igualmente presenlaflo en la cone de reclamos menores si eslé dispueslo a limiter su reclamo a! méximo permilido, o puede presenlar un reclamo por el monto total en la cone apropiada. Si su redamo excede el limile permitido en la corle de reclamos menores y eslé relacionado con el mismo contralo, transaccién. asunto o acontecimiento que el redamo deI Demandante, puede presentar su reclamo en la oorte apropiada y presenter una mocién para transferir el redamo del Demandante a dicha cone, para poder resolver los dos redamos jumos. Puede ver una deseripcién de los monlos permifidos en el pérrafo anterior tilulado 'Cone de reclamos menores'. . Aeptar el roclamo del Demandante y pagar el dlnero. O. si no puede pager en ese memento. vaya al juicio y diga que quiere hacer los pagos. . No lr al julclo y acepmr el fallo por falta d9 comparecencla. Si no Ilega a un acuerdo con el Demandante y no va al juicio (fallo por fella de comparecencia), el juaz le puede otorgar al Demandante lo que es‘é reclamando més los costos de la cone. En ese caso. el Demandante legalmente puede tomar su dinero. su sueldo o sus bienes para cobrar el fallo‘ ¢0ué hago sl nacesho mas tlempo? Puede cambiar Ia fecha deI juido si: - No puede ir a la cone en la fecha programada (lendré que pagar una wota para aplazar el juicio), o - No Ie enlregaron los documenlos legalmenle (no recibib Ia orden para ir a la code) por lo menos 15 dias antes del juicio (6 20 dias si viva fuera del oondado), o - Necesila més Uempo para conseguir intérprete. (Se permile un solo aplazamiento sin lener que pagar cuota para aplazar el juicio). Pregl'mlele al secretario de reclamos menores sobre Ias reglas y Ias cuotas para aplazar un juicio. O Ilene el formulario SC-150 (o escriba una cana) y envielo antes del plazo a la oorte y a todas Ias otras personas que figuran en sus papeles de la corte. Adjunte un cheque para pagar los ooslos de la cone, a menos que le hayan dado una exendbn. ¢Neceslta ayuda? El Asesor de Redamos Menores de su condado le puede ayudar sin wrgo. Sman-CIaims Adyisor “I [_ (408) 882-2100, (Options‘z, 6) J O visite (Vea d deluo do Procodlmlomo Clvl. uctfin 116.20 (c),) waod Jammy 1. 2020 Reclamo del Demandante y ORDEN SC-100, Page 5 of 5 Para Ir a la Corte de Reclamos Menores (Reclamos Menores)