Plaintiff s Claim 1501 to 5000Cal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 10, 20201L A_vi‘so a1 Demandado. ' Lea es'te fonnulanoytodusla ' ' J -q_.e,rkstg-4¢gp‘sjtq'a_rgfietéq;Wn'ed'rajr'r'nzfisgrujea,- ' Bnng wnnesses, receipts and any evxdence you need to prove your case 9' Read this formant! all pages attached '_t'o understand the claim against you and -_tjo protect your nghfs otros blenes para” 'ag ° Llevctesngos- remix}... caso. 7 ourtof Callfornia,;County 'of ' _5ANTA CLARA / ‘ ’ HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION vs_ tONTE B SLATON ’9 Date 3 Time : V Department 1g|mal20 WWI M to Go t'o Small Claims Court (finial! glam). , - . smog, paged? P1dihtif£5(1i’mzmize.g);gI CAPITOL ' TATES H'O'Me‘fof N§Rs_:Assjot_ciAnomzl . The plaintiff (the person, busmess, or pullcientltylh ..a,;ls'su} . a'""" NameKCAPITOL ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION _. __ 1 Phone > 877. 18274992, Streetaddress 990 RESERVE DRIVE #208 ' u,R0$E_VILLE i CA 95678 , . - - ucuy; ? - f isxata- Zip " 'V'éié'l'a. 7:le - .. uhtazy duly and w) ire Ins 0r her name.Item .@The plalntlff claims the defendant OWeS'. 3 §3- 571 13 (Etplam below) 21.. 'W-hy' does the:- defendant owe lhe-plmnuffmoney? - V _.,. Failure to pav homeowner assessments and related cOIIection costs for the property located at. -‘ ' ' ' " ‘ 979 GILCHRIST DRIVE #4 SAN JOSE CA 95133 When did this happen”? Date" See SC-100, ltem3 M Check hem fyou Izeed..more space Attach :ane- sheet ofpape; orfimn MC-OBI and: 1w 7'8, the top ~ . V ‘ . ‘ . . . ' 'fiafifivés-iawarviééflii‘ -_ , - (Small Claims) " ‘ Plamtnfflhvhmmq) " V» .. I I V Casé Number . é I ?.SCQQ 35.36%.4:CAPITOL ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION retail Installment contra U Whercthe-buyer:sign: ‘ permane lyigaraged - e: MD Otherfspeczfja) _ qttizbffiIe-éiéfihzo'rigidgr Idecfare, under penalty 'of‘peh '5' -' ' ' form 1's.true and:correct. flage-2/4/20 ' s_ARA RusHKIN Piamufl‘olpes brprmts i'ta'm’e here 'Smallhclaim Advisdr j”; V V "-| .(40'swaav-91nng(notions-2,'6)‘ 7 -' , sc-wo page4 s. lnformacaon para ei demandado (la persona demandada) La “Corie do".reclamos manores" es Una corie especial d'onde s‘e decider: casos por $10.Q00 o menus L"_ ' ' ‘ -"persona_s fislcas- y ins propi_ ‘reclamar hasta'sw 00. demandando es e1 Demandante. ¢Necesito un abogado? Puedehablar cdh'Un:abogado antes o‘ casd’ dereclamov menor'es) ¢Cémo-me prepare para ira‘ Ié‘coflé?’No iieiie dUE‘préséhlér o tiene lmpedimentosde audicién. Ilene el formulano M6410 Request for Accomodations Entregue 'el fo‘rmmario. a__l secrelano de l_a_ ¢Qué pasa en- e! lulclof? _El }u__az_ _escuchar'é': a ambas panes El juez. puede lpmar. su decislbn.durante fa audiencia q envlérsera par correb de‘spués. ¢QUé pasa SI pi do_el 'c'aso? SI pierde puede apelar Tendré que Para Ontener més lnf$€mh€i¢¢s®relfis:apge'w‘cionasuvga www courtsca gov/reclamosmenores/apelacianes Asesor- de Reciamos Menores xue [n‘ayude ' Euapghngg: Exi'sim diferenlea "mites en Im reclaim comm un garama- ‘(Vo'a e! cmigo da Pmc'odirhiehw'. Civil. s'ec'db'n 116220 (c).) , . ¥ M q v_ayan al 'julcio ene el fnrmularlo SC-‘1 D7. Cif‘alcn'a de reclamos menores (Small Claims Subpoena)y entrégueselo legalmente a! contra ‘el DemandaMB y‘ él reciamoj ' ‘ cone de.reaamos m_enqresi. , U aceptar el falIo par. falta de comparecencla. S! no lle‘ga a un acuerdo con. e1 Demandante y‘n'ovvaal julclo (fallo‘ J V Damandanle lo que esté reclamando més s castes de Ia corte’ E_n_ 'ese-_cas‘o, _el D mandante Iegalmente pu ,e‘ilomar su dlne'm', "‘ r'g‘a la con’e).par lo menus 15 dias antes deuulmo (o :20 dia__s= 4 ' .ve -fue'ra_-dél condado); o: -- Necaslla mé’s fiempo pa _ ,‘nsegulr lntérprete (Se permits Uh $019 aplazamiemo sln lener que pagar cuo'ta para aplazar el luicio). Pregunlele 'al sacratano _de re a_mos [115mm ” "bra las reglas .y las‘ cuotas para aplazar un julclo. Z f‘ormular‘io 80-1 50 (o escciba' Una carta).y"envielo anles‘del plaza a’ la 'cor'ta y a _tpdag las‘qlra's . ,, condado- Ie puede‘ ayudar sin cargo Small-Claims Adviser (408) 8879100 (Dntions2, 6) 0. visits www- coarts;ca gov/reclamosmenores/asasoras ._l Raqud January 1. 2017 Reclamo del Demandant‘e y ORDEN Séf-d'ob, bagelsdrs Para]; ”as’gla Q9rt9=de»x~Re1clam;gs;Me.nogrses¢ (Re‘élém‘éé Mienoresf)’: ‘ - §§®SC®8 33621 $0100, ITEM 3 As 0F 02/04/2020 Property Address: File Number: 17-12389 979 GILCHRIST DRIVE #4 SAN JOSE, CA 95133 ASSOCIATION ASSESSMENTS, LATE CHARGES, INTERESTAND COSTS OF COLLECTION DESCRIPTION AMOUNT FROM THRU RATE TOTAL 1 Monthly Assessments @ $256.00 12/01/2017 12/3 1/2017 12.00% $256.00 6 Monthly Assessments @ $301 .00 01/01/2018 06/29/2018 12.00% $1,806.00 3 Late Charges @ 4 $3.00 07/01/2017 09/30/2017 $9.00 1 Late Charges @ . $3.00 10/01/2017 10/3 1/2017 $3.00 1 Late Charges @ $3.00 11/01/2017 11/30/2017 $3.00 1 Late Charges @ $3.00 12/01/2017 12/3 1/2017 $3.00 6 Late Charges @ $3.00 01/01/2018 06/29/2018 $18.00 3 Collection Costs @ $19.00 07/01/2017 09/3 0/2017 $57.00 1 Collection Costs @ $19.00 10/01/2017 10/3 1/2017 $19.00 1 Collection Costs @ $19.00 11/01/2017 11/30/2017 $19.00 1 Collection Costs @ $19.00 12/01/2017 12/3 1/2017 $19.00 6 Collection Costs @ $19.00 0 1/0 1/20 1 8 06/29/20 1 8 $1 14.00 Interest on Assessments fiom 07/3 1/2017 to 02/04/2020 $464.95 COSTS OF COLLECTIONAND ADVANCES DESCRIPTION AMOUNT FROM THRU RATE TOTAL l COLLECTION COST - MANAGEMENT (PAYABLE TO $195.00 11/06/2017 11/06/2017 0.00% $195.00 MANAGEMENT) 1 INTEREST ADJUSTMENT $63.26 01/3 1/2018 01/3 1/2018 0.00% $63.26 1 REVERSAL OF LATE CHARGES DUE TO PAYMENT $-3.00 05/16/2018 05/16/2018 12.00% $-3.00 PLAN Interest on Advances thru 02/04/2020 $-0.59 Total due Association as 0f 02/04/2020: $3,045.62 TRUSTEES FEES, COSTS, AND EXPENSES DESCRIPTION VESTING VERIFICATION SETUP FEE PRE-LIEN FEE CERTIFIED - PRE-LIEN DEFAULTED PAYMENT PLAN FEE ( MAY 20 1 8 ) NODA FEE RECORDING - NOTICE OF DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT RECORDING - RELEASE OF LIEN TITLE COMPANY RECORDING FEE CERTIFIED - NODA OWNER PAYMENT - TO COSTS OWNER PAYMENT - TO FEES POST-LIEN NOTICE FEE CERTIFIED - POST-LIEN COLLECTABILITY PROFILE TITLE REPORT OWNER LOCATOR SEARCH PRE-CIVIL NOTICE FEE CERTIFIED - PRE SMALL CLAIMS Total Collection Fees and Costs (Prior to Small Claims Filing): QJQSQIg @Efiié TOTAL $30.00 $100.00 $250.00 $6.89 $90.00 $350.00 $103.00 $1 15.00 $15.00 $6.89 $-276.78 $-723.22 $150.00 $6.89 $265.00 $40.00 $90.00 $6.89 $625.56 Total Claim Amount as 0f: 02/04/2020 $3,671.18