Proof of Service SubstitutedCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 8, 2020Use thts form to scfvc R person» R huslncss» of R public entity. To Icafn morc about proof Qf service, read it'JIQP Js "proofofS8rvio8 "7, Form SC-1048. To learn nlore about how tO SCFVC a bUSIIMSS Of Cntlty, FCad HOIfr PO S8rv8 Q 888iO8$$ Or PIPbii C &Irify, Form SC-104C. To serve a bnsnlcss» you must serve onc of the folio»»vlng ~pie: Owner'fof a sole pfopffetofshfp) Partner (for a pWncrship) of general partner (fof a limited partnership) Any offfeel or genct'al Inanagef (co~ration of a~iatfon) Any person authorized tbr service by the business (corPofation, association. general partnership, limited partnership) Any pefson authorIzed fof service wIth thc Secret~ of State (cofpofalfon, assocfatIon» litnitcd liability company [LLC), limited liability partnership p.LP], limited partnership) To serve a pttbVK entity» you rnuat first file a claim wfth that entity» then 84TVC One of tbc following people: Clerk (Of a city of COunty) ~ Chief offtccr or director (of R public- agency) Any person Ruthortzed fol'efvtcc by tlM entity Ol a. 1f you are serving a pcfsott, vvrite the person's name belovv: MICHAEL RUBE% JAMES b. lf you afc scfvlng R business ol'ntity» wrt'tc thc BRInc Qf'thc buslncss of entity» thc pe~n authorized fof scfvlcc, and that pcISQB s Job tf'tlc: Job Title O2 INStt ttettoNS to SetnfPCt': You must be at least lg years old and not be named in this case. Follow these steps:'ive a copy of all the documents checked in to the person in Ot, or » Glvc R copy of Rll thc documents checked N to onc of thc following people: R. A competent adult (at least 1 8) living with, and Rt thc honM Qf tlM pcfson In „P'. An adult(at least lg) who seems tobe in charge at the usual workplace of the person in I, or c. An adult (at least 1g) who seems to be in charge where the person in usually receives mail (but not a U.S. Post Office box), if there is no known physical address for the person in QPfei mail a copy of the documents left with QIM of thc adults IB R, b, Qf c above to thc person In . THEN ~ Complete and sign this form, and Glvc of mall yoUf colnplctcd form to thc pcfson who Raked yoU to scfvc tlMsc CQUIt papcfs IPI PlPPI8for fJP8fofm fo befii8d Rri tJP N8 cofdrf Qi l8@sf 5 duy$ befor8 fJI8 II8url'Bg. O3 I scfrvcftf t4c pcl50tt Ill Ol Ia cop/ Ot thc dcctttttcllts checked helot: R. H SC-10(), PlQIPIiiff'$ Claim arid ORDER fo Go to Small Clat'ms Court b» Q SC"120, Defefldaflt $ Claim QPtd ORMR I'o Cro fo SmQll Claims Conf i c, g OFIICF fof c~lnatton pltlsform. NIPS b8 p8rSQPlallJP $8rv8d, CA8clr PII8forPPI fJIQf was $8rv86): Xot8f TA8 coÃrl'QPI isSR8 Q civil QPv 8$f N'QrrQPPP IfLJI8 $8rv8d porg do8$ rior ooPPI8 fo coIJr/ oPIEp'frAC order'or CxQBBPIQff oPI tVQS p8'rSOPIQllp'8rV8d l»JP Q r8giSP8r8dpro88$$ $8PV8r» SA8rljf, PBQrS/lal, Or SOW8OFP8 QppO Prff8d 6)r t/M Ootlrt, (1) Q SC-134» Appllcaiiofl Q d Ord8r fo ProdQO8 Sfar8m8Pti ofA$$8fs Qnd fo App8 Qrfor Examtftaflorl (2) Q AT-138/EJ-125» AplPllcatfoPI QPId Orderfor ApJP8aranc8 QPId ExamlrlatloPl H @ther (gp8cjfy) NOTICE TO LITIGAXTS; NOTKE To S~L1 C1 Al'M LlT16AM'S; Judfofaf Counoii of Cafifomie, r»»rrr.~friar.ea Sorr Revirred January I„2~, Opaonaf Form Code of Cfvl P~ure, SS I 46.24O, 4ISSG, 4I6.20 Electronically filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 5/28/2020 12:12 PM Reviewed By:D. Pinheiro Case #20SC083155 Env #4387369 ~ "tl1 ottt "a" ot "b" below." R. Q Pcfso681 Scrvicc: I personally g8vc coplcs of thc documents chcckcd ln to thc person ln Ot Qn (drlre); At (6'): At this address: City: State: Zlp: b. H Sttbstltlltcd Service: I pcrson811y g8vc coplcs of thc documents checked ln (a, 6, ol') to (cjleck orle). A colnpctcnt adUlt (Rt least, 18) 8t 'thc hoBte of, and llvlng %1th thc person ln , or AB adult who scclns to be ln ch8Fgc where thc person 1B Usually %or&, or Q An adult who seems to be in charge where the person in OI Usually receives mail, or has a private post office box (not a U.S. Post QA&cc box), if them is no known physical address for thc person in Ot. I told th8t adult, Plcasc glvc thcsc court papers to (name of pcFson ln ). I did this on (dare): 5/19/2020 At (rime): 2:41 PM At this address: 920 PEDRAS RD APT 19 City: TUME S'tate: CA Zlp: 95382 2325 Name or description of the person I gave the papers to: MONICA,CO-HABITANT Geltder: FEMAI.E Age: 36-40 Skin Tome: %HITE Hair: BRO%N Kye COIor: HAZEL Height: 5FT 81N - 5F f 111N %eigIlt: 191 LBS - 210 I.BS Aftcl" scrvlng 'thc coult papcl's, I pUt coplcs of thc docufncnts listed ln O3 ln an cnvclopc, scaled thc cnvclopc, Rnd put first-c18ss prcp81d post8gc OB lt, I addressed thc cnvclopc to thc person N Qt 8t thc address %herc I left thc coplcs. 1 mailed the envelope on (dnre): 05/I9/2020 from (city, store): MOOESTO, CALIFORNIA by lcavlng lt (ekeek orle): a I At a U.S. Postal Service mail drop, or At an oA1cc ol'usnlcss mail drop where I know thc nl811 ls picked Up cvcry d8y and deposited with thc U.S. Postal Service, or c. g %1th sonlconc clsc I asked to F8811 thc docutncnts to thc person ln , and I h8vc ached that pcFson s completed Forln SC-104A. OS Agency Illfol'litatlolt'ame; CAINS MGBIM NOTE k LEGAL SUPPGRT SERVICES Phone; 2184354911 Address: 2812 ZA AND DRIVE City: MGDESTG S ate: CA Zip: 95355 County of registration: STANISLAUS Reglstrat'Ion number: 17-009 Fee for service: $ 58,00 Pjroeess Server Ittfomtatiorll County of registration: STANISLAUS Registration number: 17-009 Q6 I declare under penalty ofpcjury under California state Iaw that I am at least 18 years oM and not named in this case and that the infornlation above ls true and correct, Date 05/19/2020