Notice of Appeal of Small Claims Case FiledCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 7, 2020SUperlor Court ' ‘ SC-14DNamo and Address creoum Clvjl Dngom '1 ISINFustSt. fffa @%=fl: 2030084411 éandose.CA 95113 LCLAIMS CASENO:2056 083139 @lmlFF/DEMANW?Emam address, andtelephons number ofcam l-EFENDANTID DADO (Name address androlephone number of93m 6K cm ea/ww/ 0 elm” r [arrhy- K Vym/ um 36060;;me Telephofzfif’cl,”y9fow [‘Wm'56w! 61,91 6'27 I Telephone No.2 l-‘_ -I I- JL flm5w W00 5:2 /5 g _Mz5 (M i5 3rE See attached sheet for additional plaintiffs and defendants. H H u mam NOTICE OF FILING NOTICE 0F APPEAL T0: m Plainurr-rnamg), fl/eizfaw c/V 52/0/‘01/ _ _ _D Defendant (name): ' heiro Your smalI claims case has been APPEALED to the su- Ty perior court. Do not contact the small claims court about 7 . . . No se ponga en contacto con f. thls aspela; The suPenor cot}: WI" [Poufigyou Ofltlhe d?” judiciales menores acerca de esta apeiacién. L corte su- gxhsbzfl’w appear m court” e "once ° appea 5 5e periorle notificarala fecha e que sted debe presentarse anle ella. El aviso d9 ape cién parece a continuacién. Date: ET 2 g 2020 Clerk, by b&gpa”id Pinhelro ,Deputy NOTICE OF APPEAL La decisr‘én hecha porla 03%:wa ,. nores en su caso ha sida - ' ' | appeal to the superior court, as provided by law, fromZ the small claims judgme%/ or |:| the denial of the motion t0 vacate the small claims judgment. . DATEAPPEALFILEE-(crerktoinsandate):fiC-l- 2 gygzo %/ J- JZ/rA/LM/mm MMrm b/ (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) WERE 0F APPELLANT 0R APPELLANTs ATTORNEY) E | am an insurer of defendant (name) En t_his case. The judgment against defendant exceeds $2,500, and the policy of insurance with the defendant covers the matter to which the judgment applies. D CLERK'S CERTIFICATE 0F MAILING (NAME OF INSURER) (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) | certify that 1. | am not a party to this action. 2. This otice of Filing Notice of Appeal and Notice of Appeal were mailed first class, postage prepaid, in a seated envelope t0 plaintiff .1E defendant f I ’ at the address shown above r 3. The mailin and this certification occurred / at (place): m369g , California, ' \ on (date).- c: rk, by David Pinheiro .Deputy Nov Mzuzm e c/, ‘ Page 1 0H Form Approved for Optional Use NOT|CE OF APPEAL Code o! Civil Procedure § 116.710 Judicial Council o! Califomia , www.ccurfslcagov sc-14omav.January1.2oon (Small ClaImS) For your protection and privacy, pIease press the Clear Thls Form button afleryou have printedtheform. [j‘Prihtth'iE’f'onfi | | Save this form | Clearthis fo‘rm