Civil Case Cover SheetCal. Super. - 6th Dist.December 1, 2020imageOOljpg Page 1 0f 1 CM-D10 Arrows? 0R PARrvwmiow ANORNEY ammo, Stare Bumm. and mama): BARRY D. ROSS. PRO SE 6343 PARK CREEK DRIVE CHARLOWE, NC 28252 FE mafia:ME TBHHONE NO; 31MBO-5719 FAXNO. {Mural}: ATTORNEY FOR (Wm): SUPERIOR OOURTOF CALIFORNlA. COUNTY OF SANTACLARA STREETADDRESS: 191 NORTH FIRST STREET MASUNGADDRESS; ammom conastosE. CA 95113 BRANCH NAME: CIVIL CASE NAME: ROSS V. WALMART. INC. ETAL. CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Complex Case Daslgnatlon CASE "UMBER IE Unlimited E erlted E ooumer E Jolnder w% Q '2' gmmled 3:2:3ted IS Flted with first appearance by defendant JUDGE exceeds $25,000) 325.000) (Cal. Rules of Court. rute 3.402) DEPT; Items 1-6 below must be completed (sea instructions on page 2). 1. Check one box below for the case type that best describes this case: Auto Tart Contract Provlslonally Oomph: clvl] thlgallonE Auto (22) E Smash ofmmmamnw (03) (Cal. Rules Of Court. rules 3.4OHA03)D Uninsured motorist (46) E Rule 3]“ commons (09) E AntltmsUTrade regulatlon (03) Other PUPDIWD (Personal Injuryleperty C] Other wnewons (09) E Construction detect (10) Dmagefifll’rnngiul Death) Tort m Ingmance mvemge (1 a) E Mass [on (40)D Asbestos (04) E Other mnimct (37) D Securities "Ugallon (28)E Prequct liability (24) Real Property D Emhonmental/Toxic ton (30)E Media! malpractice (45) E Emma“. domainnnvame D Inbsourarlxfi goveralg‘e cialllms adsflgg fro”; lhaE Other PUPDrwmza) condemnationm) fwefwsne pmv‘s'm‘“ “mp ””5 Non-Pupnrwn (0mm) Tart E Wrongful eviction (33) Emmemm o, JudgmentD Business torflunfajr business practice (07) E Other Teal Property (25) D Enforcement ofjudgmem (20) ‘ Unlawful DominerE CM! ”91113 (03) Miscellaneous Clvll Complalnt D Fm“! (15) E: Ewing“: (32) E Other complaint (not specified above) (42)E '“leuecma'pmpar'ynm filalfigifow) Mlscellaneoua Civil Pamlun I I ProfessionaI negllgance (25) l I Pannamhi and crate governance (21E Other non-PUPD/wn Ion (35) E “59‘ Wain” [05) p m J Employmem E Petition re: amnmugn awwd (1 1) E Other petition (no! specifiedabove) (43)E Wrongful tanninatlon (36) E WV“ Of mandate (02)E Other employment (15) E Other Judicial rev1ew (39) 2. This caseE is E is not complex under rule 3.400 of lhe California Rules of Court. "the case is complex, mark tha factors requiring exceptional judicial management: a. E Large number of separalaly represented parties d. E Large number ofwilnessas b. E ExtenSIve motion practice raising difficult or noval e. E Coordination wim related actions pending In one or more issues lhat wlll be tlmmnsumlng to resoiva courts In other counfles. states. or counlries. or In a federa! c. E Substantjai amount of documentary evidenw court f. a Substantial pastjudgmentjudlcial supervislon 3. Remedies sought (check all that apply):a.E monetary b.E nonmonetary, dedalatory or injuncfive relief c.D punitive 4. Number of causes of action (specify): THIRTEEN 5. This caseE ls E is not a class action suit. 6. "there are any 1/0; wn re! t dcases, file and serve a notice o! related case. (You may u arm CM-015.) Date: Egg 2 BARRYD.RO [W /@ gW [TYPE 0R Palm NAME} ‘- (smumflndor PARTY 0RAnomh Iron PARTY) NOTICE ¢ Plaintiff must file U115 cover sheet wilh [he first paper med In the actlon or proceeding (except small clalms cases or cases filed under the Probate Code, Family Coda. or Welfare and Institutions Code). (Cal. Rules or Court. rule 3.220.) Failure to file may result in sancflons. ° Fife lhls cover sheet In addition to any cover sheet raquired by [ml court ru1a. - lfthis case Is complex under rule 3.400 at seq. of me Califomia Rulss of Cuun. you must serve a copy of this cover sheet on all other parties to the action or proceeding. ° Unless this Is a collections case under rule 3 740 or a complex case [hie cover sheet will be used for statistical purposes only. Pm 1 011 Formmad rev Mandatory Usa Ce]. Rum o! Court Mas 2.30. 3220.SWIM. 3.740; Judicial CowwlofCajim-ua CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET M.Smndards oEJIn-ddMH-Jrisnmn. £13.10 CM-O10IRINVJwy 1,2001] m‘eotmlcagov 1 1/ 1 8/2020