DeclarationCal. Super. - 6th Dist.September 24, 202010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 200V371 149 Santa Clara - Civil Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, JORDAN D. COOK (CA BAR 179720) LORI N. WILLIAMS (CA BAR 242985) EMILY PIERCE (CA BAR 240084) on 9/24/2020 4:28 PM KRISTEN BRINKERHOFF (CA BAR 263579) Reviewed By: D Harris PORTFOLIO RECOVERYASSOCIATES, LLC case #Zocv371 1 49 10680 Treena St, Ste 500 Envelope: 4992710 San Diego, CA 92131 Te]: 866/428-8102 Fax: (757) 5 1 8-0860 Attorneys for Plaintifl‘ File N0. 23420597 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES, LLC CASE N0. 200W" 149 Plaintifi; LMITED JURISDICTION v. DECLARATION RE: REDUCED FILING FEES (Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code §6322.1(c)(1)) SUNSHINE ROYBAL and DOES 1 to 25. Defendant. D Han I, the undersigned attorney ofrecord, hereby declare as follows: 1. I am an attorney licensed t0 practice before all courts ofthe State ofCalifomia, and I am one 0fthe attorneys ofrecord for Plaintifi Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC (herein referred t0 as the "Plaintifl"). 2. The above- entitled action and attached complaint is a claim for money damages and fills within the monetary jurisdiction ofthe small claims court. 3. Plamtifiis an assignee 0fthe debt/claim for Which money is sought, and therefore (pursuant to California Code ofCiVil Procedure Section 116.420) is prohlbited fiom filing in small claims court. /// DECLARATION RE: REDUCED FILING FEES (Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code §6322.1(c)(1)) is For the reasons mentioned herein, Plaintifi through its counsel ofrecord, respectfiflly requests a reduction in court filing fees for this matter. I declare under penalty ofpeljury under the laws ofthe State ofCalifornja that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed 0n September 17, 2020 at Clark, WA. DATED: September 17, 2020 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 23420597 By: /s/ Emily D. Pierce [] JORDAN D. COOK, ESQ. [] LORI N. WILLLAMS, ESQ. [X] EMILY PIERCE, ESQ. [] KRISTEN BRINKERHOFF, ESQ. Attorneys for Plaintifi Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC DECLARATION RE: REDUCED FILING FEES (Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code §6322.1(c)(1))