Complaint Limited Up to 10KCal. Super. - 6th Dist.October 28, 2019E-FILED 10/28/2019 11:24 AM Clerk of Court Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara 19CV357541 Reviewed By: Patricia Hernandez 19CV357541 JACK H. POGOSIAN, State Bar No.2 305741 MANASI TAHILIANI, State Bar No.: 272821 2 CHRISTINA ARNOLD, State Bar No.: 297590 HYO JIN JULIA JUNG, State Bar No.: 3 1 6090 3 MELINE GRIGORYAN, State Bar No.: 321 133 4 350 CAMINO DE LA REINA, SUITE 100 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 5 Telephone: (866) 300-8750 Facsimile: (858) 309-1588 6 Attorneys for Plaintiff 7 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA 3 COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA 9 DOWNTOWN SUPERIOR COURT 10 MIDLAND FUNDING LLC Case N0. 1 1 Plaintiff, COMPLAINT FOR: 12 vs. (1) Account Stated 13 TAI TRAN; PRAYER AMT: $1,161.76 14 and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive LIMITED Defendant. I 15 16 MIDLAND FUNDING LLC, ("Plaintif "), by counsel, sues TAI TRAN, (“Defendant”) under Account 17 Stated and in support thereof states: 18 1. laintiff is authorized to do business in CALIFORNIA, with its principal place of 19 business at 350 CAMINO DE LA REINA SUITE 100 SAN DIEGO CA 92108. Plaintiff 20 owns portfolios of consumer receivables, which it attempts to collect. Plaintiff strives to treat its consumers, such as Defendant, with respect, compassion and integrity, hoping to 21 provide mutually-beneficial opportunities for consumers to repay their debts and attain 22 financial recovery. 23 2. Defendant is a resident of SANTA CLARA County, State of California and is subject t0 24 this Court’s jurisdiction. 25 3. Plaintiff is unaware of the true names and capacities 0f Defendants sued by the fictitious 26 names DOES 1 through 10. Plaintiff will ask leave of court t0 amend this complaint as 27 and when the true names and capacities 0f Defendants named herein as DOES 1 through 10 have been ascertained. 28 Pursuant t0 California Civil Code (“CA CIVIL”) §l788.58(a)(1)-(9), Plaintiff alleges: 4. Plaintiff is a debt buyer as defined by CA CIVIL §1788.50(a). -1. COMPLAINT CA_0132G File No.: 19-188942 00 -J O‘\ LII -|> U.) \O 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10. 11. 12 13. Defendant established a credit account (the “Account”) with SYNCHRONY BANK. The amount due is the result of transactions that occurred 0n the Account. Defendant was provided statements evidencing Defendant’s use 0f the Account and the balance due. Defendant failed to make the required payments and subsequently defaulted 0n the Account on November 20, 2017. Thereafter, Plaintiff was assigned all rights, title, and interest in the Account. Plaintiff is the sole owner 0f the debt. Attached as Exhibit A is a true and correct copy 0f the Bill 0f Sale from SYNCHRONY BANK, t0 Plaintiff. The Account was purchased by Plaintiff 0n July 30, 2018. The Account balance at the time 0f charge-off was $1,196.76. Plaintiff alleges that the date 0f default is November 20, 2017 and the date 0f the last payment was October 11, 2017 which was made t0 SYNCHRONY BANK. The name 0f the charge-Off creditor at the time 0f Charge-off is SYNCHRONY BANK. The address utilized by SYNCHRONY BANK at the time 0f charge-off was P.O. BOX 965033 ORLANDO,FL 32896. At the time 0f Charge off, the account number associated with the debt was XXXXXXXX-XX-1769. The name 0f the debtor as it appeared in the records of SYNCHRONY BANK is TAI TRAN and the last known address as it appeared in the records 0f SYNCHRONY BANK is 1438 CUCIZ LN MILPITAS CA 95035. The name and address 0f all post charge-Off purchasers 0f the debt are as follows: Name Address MIDLAND FUNDING LLC 350 CAMINO DE LA REINA SUITE 100 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 Plaintiff has complied with the provisions 0f CA CIVIL §1788.52. Plaintiff informed Defendant 0f the assignment 0f the Account. Attached as Exhibit B is a true and correct copy 0f the first written communication sent t0 Defendant by Plaintiff. Pursuant t0 CA CIVIL §1788.58(b), attached as Exhibit C is a true and correct copy 0f a monthly statement recording a purchase transaction, payment, 0r balance transfer While the Account was active as required by CA CIVIL §1788.52(b). Attached as Exhibit D is a true and correct copy of a billing statement that was mailed t0 Defendant stating the balance due on the Account at 0r around the time 0f charge-Off. 2 CA_0132G File N0.: 19-188942 COMPLAINT 14. H 15. \OOOQO‘xUI-bUJN HH r-O 16. y-ar-tt-tr-sy-d ONLh-bUJN 17. 18. [\JNt-tr-AH >-*O\Doo\l 19. [\JN 20. [\JN hm 21. MN G‘xU‘l 22. [\JN OOx] Plaintiff acquired all right, title, and interest t0 the Account. T0 the extent that Plaintiff acts in its capacity as successor-in-interest t0 the original creditor 0r its assigns, references herein t0 Plaintiff may include Plaintiff’s predecessor-in-interest. Plaintiff has attempted t0 contact Defendant through several means in an effort t0 resolve the Account, but has been unsuccessful. Defendant has not repaid this debt. Plaintiff works with consumers like Defendant t0 find mutually acceptable solutions, often offering discounts, hardship plans, and a variety 0f payment options. The majority 0f Plaintiff‘s consumers ignore calls or letters, and some simply refuse t0 repay their obligations. When this happens, Plaintiff must decide whether t0 pursue collection through legal channels, including litigation such as the present action against Defendant. Nonetheless, Plaintiff remains interested in discovering a mutually beneficial solution through voluntary payments, if possible, in this case. Before commencement 0f this action, Plaintiff informed Defendant in writing, attached as Exhibit E, that it intended t0 file this action and that this action could result in a judgment against Defendant that would include court costs allowed by California Code 0f Civil Procedure § 1033(b)(2). FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION ACCOUNT STATED Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference the foregoing paragraphs. An account was stated in writing between Defendant and SYNCHRONY BANK. Defendant opened and derived benefit from the Account. By using the Account, Defendant expressly 0r impliedly promised t0 repay SYNCHRONY BANK. The consumer has made a payment on the Account within the last f0ur(4) years. On the Account, a balance 0f $1,196.76 was stated to be due t0 SYNCHRONY BANK from Defendant. Plaintiff has n0 record of Defendant objecting t0 the balance due. Before the commencement 0f this action, Plaintiff was assigned the Account and indebtedness. Plaintiff is now the sole owner 0f the Account. Plaintiff has made a demand 0n Defendant for rapayment 0f the Account, but Defendant has failed t0 pay the balance due. The current balance presently due and owing is $1,161.76 which includes payments, set- offs, credits 0r allowances, if any, at 0r after Charge-off. ’5 CA_0132G File N0.: 19-188942 COMPLAINT 1 2 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff requests judgment against Defendant for $1,161 .76, costs 0f this action 3 and post judgment interest at the statutory rate. Plaintiff waives any claim for pre- judgment interest and attorney's fees. 4 5 6 7 Dated; OCT 2' i 2mg MIDLAND FUNDING LLC 8 9 IO Byi / JACK H. POGOSIAN 11 MANASI TAHILIANI D HYO JIN JULIA JUNG 12 D MELINE GRIGORYAN 13 D CHRISTINA ARNOLD l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -4- COMPLAINT CA_0132G File No.: 19-1 88942 EXHIBIT A AA70125 File N0.: 19-188942 syncthny EfifiK 4125 Windward Plaza Alpharetta, Ga. 30005-8378 BILL ofSALE Midiand 'NLS’ ~PLCQFEESEI :Ju” 20108 For value received and in further consideration ofthc mutual covenants and conditions set forth in the Fatwad Flaw Accounts Purchase Agreement (the “Agreement”), dated as of the 9‘" day of Februaryi 2MB by and between Synchrony Bank formerly known as GE Capital Retail Bank; RFS Holding, L.L.Ci; and Retail Finance Credit Services, LLC (colkectively “Seller") and Midland Funding LLC (“Buyer"), Seller hereby transfers, sells, conveys, grants, and delivers to Buyer, its successors and assigns, without recourse except as set forth in the Agreement, the Accounts as set forth in the Notification Files, delivered by Seller to Buyer on July I9, 2018, and as further described in the Agreement. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the definition ascribed in the Agreement. With respect to information for the Accaunts summarized in the Notification Files, the Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that (i) the Acccunt information constitutes the Seller’s own business records and accurately reflects in all material respects the information in the Seller’s database; (ii) the Account information was kept in the regular course of business; (iii) the Account information was made at or near the time by, or from information transmitted by, a person with knowledge of the data entered into and maintained in the Account’s database; and (iv) it is the regular practice of the Seller’s business to maintain and compile such data. Synchrony Bank r Retail Finace C V'it Services, LLC By; > _ ALL By: [QR M ,2 n ' en Wojci’ Ken Wojfl Title: SVP, Collections & Recovery Title: Attorney 1n Fact RFS Holding, LLC Midland ELJnding LLC . ' ‘ * k5 “R4, , _ By: 131W Title: Attorney In Fact Title: AI; :5 ?{Ygséfimfi figsaw 2:. "Dfitilqomd- Purchase Price RecOnciliation/Funding Instructions July 23, 201 8 TO: Midland This FORWARD FLOW ACCOUNTS PURCHASE AGREEMENT, is made this 9‘11 day ofFebruary, 2018 (the “Effective Date"), by and'between Synchrony Bank formerly known'as GE Capital Retail Bank; RFS Holding, L.L.C.; and Retail Finance Credit Services, LLC (CollectiVely, “Seller“) and Midland Funding LLC (“Buyer”) With reference to thc following facts and circumstances: Pottfolio RMS NC Document l Document2 Total Agcy_At1y Code 'ENLS ENLS Total Number 0f Accounts E: E Outstanding Balances on Transfer Date: :3 E Cut-OffDate July l9, 2018‘ July 19, 2-013 Transfcr'Date July l9, 2018 July l9, 2018 Purchase Pfice Factor E E Purchase Price E E :3 0% Holdoul E E Amount of Wire transfer Date of Funding: July 30, 20] 8 JuIy 30, 201 8 Bank: ABA No- E E Account No: E Account Holder: I . l- l“ u a E Location: C: AFFIDAVIT OF SALE OF ACCOUNT BY ORIGINAL CREDITOR State 6f Flarida County of Seminale Paola N. Medina being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am over 18 and net amy of this acticm. I am a Media Representative of Synchrony Bank formerly known as GE Capital Retail Bank. In that position, I have accsss to creditor’s books and records, and am aware of the process of the sale and assignment ofalsctmnicafly stared busiggss records. On 0r aba’ut 07/19/2018 Synchrony Bank fermerly know as GE Capital Retail Bank sold a pool ofcharge-offaccounts (the Accaunts) by a thase and Sale Agreement and a Bill of Sale to Midland Funding LLC. As part 0f the Sale ofthe Accounts, elchQnic records and other records wafe transferred on individual Accamts to the debt buyer. 'l‘hesc reccrds were kept in the ordinary came ofbusiness of Synchrony Bank funnefly known as GE Capital Retail Bank. 1h: Creditor has a process t3 deteci and correct errors on these accounts. The abeve statements are true to the best ofmy knowledge. Signed this 27th day 0fSeptember, 2018 M Fania N. Medina V r Signed and sworn to before me this 27th day of September, 2018 (Notary Stainp) ASHLlE GARCIA r a ate of Fmrida-Mozaty Public 3C 5 ‘ ‘amisswn t GG 134412 '-My fiommisaion Expires ' 7 “A 312 14, 2021 ‘ NY AOS 1‘3 2/1/2017 - St. Paul CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY UNDER NYSCLS CPL é AN NYS CLS. RPL ~ The undersigned does hereby certify that he/shc is an attomeya'axalaw duly admitted t9 practice in the State of Florida and residing in the State of Florida; that .he/she is a person duly qualified to make this ccrtificaté of'conformity pursuantzto Section 299-a ofth'e Real Property Law of the State of New York; that he/she is fully acquainted withithe laws of the State of FIOrida pertaining to the acknowledgment or proof of affidavits; that the acknowledgement or proof upon the foregoing'A‘ffidavit' 9f Paola N. Medina. Was.'takc_n by Ashlie Garcia, a notary public in the State 0f Florida, in the manner prescribed by the laws‘ of the Staté of Florida, being. the state in which the Affidavit was taken; and, based 'on'his/her review thereof, that the notarized Affidavit léonforms to 'thc laws of the State of Florida in all respects. Witness my sfigmature‘ this’27th day of September, 2018 Alexandria Gordon ‘ Aflomey-ax-law, State of Florida AFFIDAVIT OF SALE OF ACCOUNT BY ORIGINAL CREDITOR State of Fiorida Cdunty of Seminole Paola N. Medina being duly sworn, depoges and says: I am over 18 and not a party of this action. I am a Media Representative of Synchrony Bank fomeriy known as GE Capital Retail Bank. In that position, I have acccss to creditor’s books and records, and am awane of the process of the sale and assignment of electronically stored business records. On or abaut 07/19/2018 Synchrony Bank fennerly known as GE Capital Retail Bank sold a pool of charge-off accounts (the Accounts) by a Purchase and Sale Agreement and a Bill of Sale to Midland Funding LLC. As part of the sale of the Accounts, electronic retards and other records were transferred on individual Accounts to the debt buyer. These recfirds were kept in the ordinary course ofbusiness of Syncl'nmy Bank formerly known as GE Capital Retail Bank. The Creditor has a process ta detect and correct errors on these accounts‘ The above statements are true to the best ofmy knowledge. Signed this 27m day of September, 201 3 Fania N. Medina Signed and sworn to before me this 27th day of September, 2018 (Notary Stamp) NY AOS L3 2/1/2017 - St. Paul CERTEFICATE OF CONFORMITY UNDER M&LS CPLR. 121,309 c AND NYS CLSRPL 299-3 The andersigned doés‘ hereby certify that he/shc is an attomey-atilaw duly admitted to practice in the State of Florida and residing in the State of Florida; that he/she is a person duly qualified to make this certificate ofcOnformity pursuant to Section 299-»3. ofthe Real Preperty Law of the Stéte of New York; that he/she is fully acquaintedlwith the laws of the State 6f Florida pertaining to the acknoWledgment or proofof affidavits; tha1 the aéknowledgement or prpofupon the foregoing Afiidavit of Paola N. Medinawas taken by Ashlie Garcia, a notary public, in the State of Florida, in the manner prescribed by the laws of the State of Florida, being the state in , which the Affidavit was taken; and, based on hisfher review thereof, that the notarized Affidavit 'lconfonns to thelaws cfthe State of Florida in all respects. I Witness my signature this 27th day of September, 20 1,8 Alexandria Garden Attomey-at-law, State ofFlorida. Field Data Account information provided by SYNCHRONY BANK pursuant to the Bill of Sale / Assignment of Accounts transferred on or about'O7/30/2018 i’n connection with the sale of accounts from SYNCHRONY BANK to Midland Funding, LLC. Field Account_,Number _17~69 First_Name TAI Last_Name TRAN SSN *****1955 Birth_Date _ Account__Address_,1 1438 CUCIZ LN City MILPITAS State CA 2ip_cOde 95035-8201 Contract__Date 1/31/2017 Last_Pa’yment_Dat‘e 10/11/2017 ChargeOff_D_ate 5/20/2018 Current‘Bala‘nce 1196.76 Last_Pay_Amount 200 ChargeOff_Amount 1196.76 Lending_Office_Code AMAZON Last_Purchase_Date 11/.7/2017 EXHIBIT ‘B AA_0126 File No.: 19-188942 I i M‘dIBNd Midland Credit Management, Inc i Credit v.0. Box 13105 E Management Roanoke, VA 24031-3105 é _ £5 YQLH’ account has a new home. 11L02-20T8 " Account Transfer Details Original Creditor Synchrony Bank Original Account Number -1769 Tai Tran P1T7 005 fl Current Servicer Midland Credit Management, inc. 1438 Cudz Ln MCM Account Number 8580832466 Milpitas, CA 95035_8201 Current Owner _ Midiand Funding LLC‘ n,"Ila.Illplll.m..."q,.u..,I.l.I.‘I"...I"III|."..|I|,I c‘m'“ 33'3"“ $149575 Flexible Payment Options Available (866) 361-0420 RE Synchrony Bank Amazon Accut at a Glance r r Dear Tai, currem Balance Welcome! On 07-30-2018, your Synchrony Bank/Amazon account was sold to Midland Funding $1,195.75 LLC, which is now the sole owner of this debt. Midland Credit Management, Inc. ("MCM"), a debt collection company, wiH be collecting on, and servicing your account, on behalf of Midland Funding LLC. Flexible Pa mentO tions _ . . ‘ .v p To welcome you to MCM, we’d like to offer you an opportunity to discuss flexible payment options Available t0 resolve this account. MCM is a different kind of debt collector. Here is what to expect: Receive Personalized Service - A dedicated Account Manager will be assigned to your account V; - We will reach out to you by phone and mail over the months to come. r "r a Useful tools and resources online at 33m. BF Rial”? MCM. a partner you can trust. We value your experience and understand that managing debt can be a difficult process! That is why we set standards for how you are to be treated lee working with us. Visit to learn about our Consumer Bill of Rights or call (866) 361-0420 to experience the difference for yourself.Reply by 12-17-2018 _ c n (856) 351 0420 S'mrew’ a - _ n Mon-Fri: llame7:30pm ET; NWk/ SO'VLOLU Nick Sondi, Assistant Vice President P.S. Any discounts or repayment options do not alter your validation rights as described on the reverse side. U 101 822000739 We are not obligated to renew any offers provided. Midland Credit Management, Inc P. O. Box 2000(866) 361-0420 V IV 4. Warren Ml48090-2000 PLEASE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE INFORMATION ' V ' I 8580832456 ' Manage Your Account Online ' " $1,196-:76 '- I MCM A_ccpunt Nu_ CurrentBalance i. . ‘vE_;F‘otal ;§hc_§bsiedi __ Midland Credit Management Enter your MCM Account # on all payments i se habla espafiol (855) 983-6352 ”Midland Credit Management Inc ‘ -'P'.'O. BOX'ZQDO ' " - . {Warrue'ni Ml48090 2000 Important Disclosure Information: Please understand this is a communication from a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Unless you notify MCM within thirty (30) days after receiving this notice that you dispute the validity of the debt, or any partior: thereof, MCM will assume this debt to be valid. If you notify MCM, in writing, within thirty (30) days after receiving this notice that the debt, or any portion thereof, is disputed, MCM will obtain verification of the debt or a copy of a judgment (if there is a judgment) and MCM will mail you a copy of such verification or judgment. If you request, in writing, within thirty (30) days after receiving this notice, MCM will provide you with the name and address of the original creditor. Original Creditor Synchrony Bank Current Creditor Midland Funding LLC Original Account , , , . ' ’ I . Number _1769 Current Sewicer Midland Credit Management, nc Charge--Off Date 05-20-2018 MCM Account Number 8580832466 ' ’ * ’ ‘ _ _' .Sehd disputes or an instrument tendered Send Payments t0: ' . as full s‘atiSfaction of a debt to: - zthsical Payments for Colorado Residents: Midfand Credit Management Inc ' }_Attn. Consumér. Support Servicés - - 80 Garden center P.O Box 2000 " . _ I {-2365 Northside Drive Suite 300 su'te 3 Warren; Mr 48090_2000 . 7 f _ -san Diego CA 92108 -‘ ‘ > I BroomfiEId, CO 80020.“ I h ' ' You may-also Call: (866) 361-0420 Phone (303) 920747-53 The records associated with the Synchrony Bank account purchased by Midland Funding LLC, reflect that you are obligated on this account which Is in default As the owner of this account, but subject to the rights described below, Midland Funding LLC Is entitled to payment ofthis account. All communication regarding this account should be addressed to MCM and not the previous owner. If an attorney represents you with regard to this debt, please refer this letter t0 your attorney. Likewise, if you are involved in an active bankruptcy case, or if this debt has been discharged in a bankruptcy case, please refer this letter to your bankruptcy attorney so that we may be notified. Please remember, even if you make a payment within thirty (30) days after receiving this notice, you still have the remainder of the thirty (30) days to exercise the rights described 't-bove. If your payment method is a credit or debit card, it may be processed through our international card processor. Although our policy is to not charge consumers fees based upon their payment method, your card issuer may elect to do so due to the location of the card processor. If an international transaction fee has been charged by your card issuer, that fee is eligible for reimbursement. You may contact your Account Manager to modify your payment method to avoid these charges in the future and for information to initiate your reimbursement. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit reporting agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. We are required under state law to notify consumers of the following additional rights. This list does not contain é complete list of the rights consumers have under applicable law: NMLS ID: 934164 IF YOU LIVE IN CALIFORNIA, THIS APPLIES TO YOU: IF YOU LIVE IN NEW YORK CITY, THIS APPLIES TO YOU: New PLEASE SEE INSERT FOR IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE York City Department of Consumer Affairs License Number INFORMATION. 1140603, 1207829, 1207820, 1227728, 2022587, 2023151, IF vou LIVE IN COLORADO, THIs APPLIES To You: 2023152' 2027429' 2027430' 2027431 FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE COLORADO FAIR DEBT IF YOU LIVE IN NORTH CAROLINA, THIS APPLIES TO YOU: North COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT, SEE WWW.COAG.GOV/CAR. A Carolina Department of InSurance Permit #101659, #4182, consumer has the right to request in writing that a debt #4250, and #3777, #111895, and #112039. Midland Credit collector or collection agency cease further communication with Management, Inc. 2365 Northside Drive, Suite 300, San Diego, the consumer. A written request to cease communication will CA 92108 not prohibit the debt collector or collection agency from taking IF YOU LIVE IN TENNESSEE THIS APPLIES To You This any Other amen aUthonzed by law to cone“ the dabt' collection agency is licensed by the Collection Service Board of IF YOU LIVE IN MASSACHUSETTS, THIS APPLIES TO YOU: the Department of Commerce and Insurance. NOTICE 0F IMPORTANT RIGHTS: You have the right to make a written or oral request that telephone calls regarding your debt not be made to you at your place of employment. Any such oral request will be valid for only ten (10) days uniess you provide written confirmation of the request postmarked or delivered within seven (7] days of such request. You may terminate this request by writing to MCM. IF YOU LIVE IN MINNESOTA, THIS APPLIES TO YOU: This collection agency is licensed by the Minnesota Department of Commerce. VALA EXHIBIT C AA_'O 1 27 File N70,: 19;- 1 88942 amagon.00m SYNCHRONY BANK TAI TRAN Visit us at AccountNumber- 1769 Customer Service: 1-866-634-8379 Previous Balance $609.23 New Balance $873.76 - Other Credits $25.70 Amount Past Due $35.00 + Purchases/Debits $235.22 Total Minimum Payment Due $98.00 + Fees Charged 335,00 Payment Due Date 12f13/2017 + Interest Charges $1 9.01 New Balance $87176 Late Payment Warning:lf we do not receive your Total Minimum Payment Due by the Payment Due Date listed above. Credit Limit $1 '40000 you may have to pay a late fee up to $35.00. Available Cred“ $525.00 Minimum Payment Warnlng: If you make only the minimum Statement Closing Date 11/20/2017 payment each period, you will pay more in interest and it will Days in Billing Cycle 31 take you longer to pay off your balarme. For example: Only the minimum 3 years $1,224.00 payment If you would like information about credit counseling services call 1 -377-302-3775. Z l'I'l a Rewards Earned YTD $105.37 Amazon Prime Cardholders can earn 5% Back on eligible purchases, and also earn Previous Rewards Balance $0.00 Bonus Rewards by purchasing select items at + 5% Rewards Earned $050 Bonus Rewards are earned - Rewards Redeemed $0.00 in addition to (he 5% Back benefit. = Current Rewards Balance $0.60 Visit or to redeem avaHable rewards. For more detalls about the 5% Back program, visit P NT D E P. . E NOTICE: We may convert your paymeni into an electronic debit See Statement Disclosures link below for details, Billing Rights lniormation and other important intormation. 5484 Z-IQG 1 7 18 171120 DPAGE ; of 3 9342 1100 APSE 0114175484 amazonCom Lfiéirrfi'ént'FDuev " - . $9800 $35.00 12/1 3/201 7 Save a stamp, pay orHIne at I _ $873.76 TAI TRAN 1438 CUCIZ LN MILPITAS CA 95035-8201 Make Payment t0: SYNCHRONY BANK/AMAZON PO BC-X 96001 3 ORLANDO, FL 32896-001 3 amazon.Com , ‘ . a_‘q T ansactlon Summary I h . . . , Tran Date Post Dale Reference Number Description of Transaction or Credit Amount PAYMENTS AND CREDITS 10/29 10/29 P9342009EEHMBEY2W AMAZON MARKETPLACE SEATTLE WA ($15.25) YClemuxmwaO Retund 11/20 11/20 YOUR STORE CARD STATEMENT CREDIT ($10.45) TOTAL PAYMENTS AND CREDITS ($25.70) OTHER CHARGES 10/20 10/21 P93420097EHMBQRYG AMAZON MARKETPLACE SEATTLE WA $21 .78 gjarvofUNGrT WizGear Rectangular Head Unive SHIPPING AND TAX 10/23 10/23 P93420099EHMAZJOM AMAZON MARKETPLACE SEATTLE WA $148.00 CkHDtVNngAp 墉博4代„ 10/25 10/25 P93420090EHM89AOQ AMAZON MARKETPLACE SEATTLE WA $54.46 BxOVHUtZUFXE Sega Genesis Cfassic Game Cons ‘ 11/06 11/06 P9342009PEHMJPT62 AMAZON PRIME CONS SEATYLE WA $1 1.98 097820045860 Subscriptions SHIPPING AND TAX TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $236.22 FEES 11/13 11/13 TE FEE $35.00 TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD $35.00 INTEREST CHARGED 11/20 11/20 INTEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES $1 9.01 TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD $19.01 Total Fees Charged in 201 7 $60.00 Total Interest Charged in 2017 $25.59 Total Interest Paid in 2017 $6.58 _V . fiargé-Calculatlon 5' . Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR)s the annual interest rate on your account. Expiration Annual Balance Subject Interest - Type of Balance Dale Percentage Rate lo Interest Rate Charge Reguiar Purchase NA 26.99% (v) $829.31 $19.01 (v) = Variable Ra‘e “NewéPr Ltipnal Fmancmg Plan . - - ‘ Eligible card purchases may be billed under one of the following promotions. No Interest if Paid In Full within 6 12 or 24 months. Under each of these promotions, H the promotional balance'I5 not paid In full within the promotional period interest will be imposed from the date of purchase at a rate of 26.99%. If a (v) is shown after your APFI in the Interest Charge Calculation section of this billing statement, the APR is a variable rate and will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. Minimum monthly payments are required See promotional advertising for further details. [ ‘rdhnlder News a'n‘d lnformatlon .' ‘ . YOUR ACCOUNT IS PAST DUE. PLEASE PAY THE MINIMUM PAYMENT DUE OR CONTACT THIS OFFICE AT THE PHONE NUMBER LISTED ON YOUR STATEMENT. Synchrony Bank may continue to obtain information, including employment and income information from others about you (including requesting reports from consumer reporting agencies and other sources) to review. maintain or collect your account. 54.84 XZG 1 7 18 17H20 EPF-zGE 2 Of 3 9342 1100 APSE 01NF5434 barqtjoldqr Bbfih , 7 _ .. , . . . ‘ Manage your account onhne at www syncbank com/amazon. Check your balance. vnew your statements. pay your bull, update your personal information and more! As an Amazon Prime Store Cardholder. any 5% back rewards you may have earned in this billing cycle will be displayed in the 5% Rewards Earned Hne of the Rewards Summary section above. Not an Amazon Prime Store Cardholder? Visit m learn how w upgrade today. Use your Amazon Prime Stare Card to pay in more places! Amazon Prime Stove Cardholders can now use lhe‘r card to pay (or transactions with many merchams who ofler Pay with Amazon When using Pay with Amazon, select your Amazon Store Card as a payment option once you've signed in using your Amazon credentials, Visit httpzi/paymentsamazon,com/slorecard to see eligibie sites. 5-334 KEG '1 7 13 IVE'IZC UPAC-E 1 13f 3 9342 HOG APSE 01“]?543’1 EXHIBIT D AA_01)28 File N0.: 19-188942 SYNCHRONY BANK TAI TRAN Account Number_1769 Vistt us at www,syncbank,com/amazonCustomer Service: 1-8667771 r1 104 iSumvlfnary’ quA‘cqount Actlvjty $1,101.61 Payment mforma'tion - I _ $1 ‘1 81 ,76Previous Balance New Balance + Fees Charged $35.00 Amount Past Due $36800 o lnlefesl Charges $25.15 Total Minimum Payment Due $44000 New Bmance 31.15175 Overlimtt Amount $201.76 Payment Due Date 05/13/2018 Credit Lumil $960 00 Avairable Credit $000 Lat'e Payment Warninng we do not receive your Total Sta‘emem Closing [1mg 04/20/201 5 Minimum Payment Due by the Payment Due Dale listed above. Days in Billing Cycle 30 you may have to pay a late tee up to $35.00. Minimum Payment Warning; If you make only the .nimmum payment each penod, you wih‘ pay more in interest and it will take you longer to pay ofl your balance. For example: ' up ayllllg'an Onty the mimmum 3 years $1 ,47500 payment If you would like Imormation about credit counseling services, call 187130278775 Rewards Summary. '1 1- 'fiéwqifiEitfilaiMl V , I u ._ ,H , , Rewards Earned YTD $0.00 Amazon Prime Cardholders can earn 5% Back on eliglble purchases, and also earn Previous Rewards Baxance song Bonus Rewards by purchasing select iiems at + 5% Rewams Earned $000 Amazonvcom Bonus Rewards are earned . 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