Notice Change Address Firm NameCal. Super. - 6th Dist.August 12, 2019ATTORNEY OR PARTY YYITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, dials sa camas aud add assi Hunt 8 Hennques, Attorneys at Lsw Debt collection license spphcstion pending Donald Sherr(II ¹266038 7017 Realm Dr San Jose CA 95119 MC-040 FOR COUR r USE ONI Y TELEPHONE NO (800) 680.2426 E-MAIL ADDREss (oplieaal/ in(o(ahunthennquss corn FAX NO Iopeeeae (408)362 2?99 ATTORNEY FOR (Name) Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA STREET ADDRESS 191 North First Street MAILING ADDRESS c(1 YANo zip coDE ssn Jose CA 95113 SRANC ~ NAME Downtown Supenor Court PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC CASE NUMSER 19CV353224 DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT MICHAEL A RAMOS NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR OTHER CONTACT INFORMATION .IUDIOIAL OFFIOI R DEPI 1 Please take notice that, as of (date) y g g ~ ~079~ the following self-represented party or~ the attorney for: a ~ plaintiff (name). portfoho Recovery Assomstes, I I c b ~ defendant(name). petitioner (name) d ~ respondent (name) other (describe) has changed his or her address for service of notices and documents or other contact information in the above-captionedaction. ~ A list of additional parties represented is provided in Attachment 1 2 The new address or other contact information for (name) I-lunt 8 Hennques is as follows: a Street: 7017 Realm Dr b. City. San Jose c Mailing address (if different from above) d State and zip code CA 98119 e Telephone number. 800-680-2426 f. Fax number (if available):408-362-2299 g. E-mail address (if available): (nfo@hunthenriques corn 3. All notices A(LE( gcu~s regarding the action should be sent to the above address Date'lexander Seizer Carr SBN 338024 (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNAI URI OF PAFITY OR AI I ORNFY) Page I of 2 Form Appre ed for Opuee I U.e Jud»ai coupe I of Cal fere e MC 040 (Res J suer Y I 20 i 3( NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR OTHER Cal R Iesef Ce I r les??Ooaeslddi6 CONTACT INFORMATION IIIIIIIIllllllllllfllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIII 1332196 Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 2/1/2022 9:48 AM Reviewed By: A. Villanueva Case #19CV353224 Envelope: 8184160 19CV353224 Santa Clara - Civil A. Villanueva PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC CASE NUMI/ER MC-040 DEFENDANT(RESPONDENT MICHAEL A RAMOS PROOF OF SERVICE BY FIRST-CLASS MAIL NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR OTHER CONTACT INFORMATION (NOTE/ This page may be used for proof of service by first-class mail of the Notice of Change of Address or Other ContactInformation. Please use a different proof of service, such as Proof of Service-Civil (form POS-040), if you serve this noticeby a method other than first class-mail, such as by fax or electronic service. You cannot serve the Notice of Change ofAddress or Other Contact Information if you are a party in the action. The person who served the notice must complete thisproof of service.) 1. At the time of service, I was at least 18 years old and nota party to this action. I am a resident of or employed in the county where the mailing took place. My residence or business address is (specify) 7017 Realm Dr San Jose CA 95119 3 I served a copy of the Notice of Change ofAddress or Ot/Ter Con/act/nformat/on by enclosing it in a sealed envelope addressed to the persons at the addresses listed in item 5 and (check one): a. ~ deposited the sealed envelope with the United States Postal Service with postage fully prepaid b. ~ placed the sealed envelope for collection and for maikng, following our ordinary business practices I am readily familiar with this business's practice for collecting and processing correspondence for mailing On the same day correspondence is placed for collection and mailing, it is deposited In the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid The Notice of Change of Address or Other Contact Informat/on was placed in the mail NN 5 ]I PMEG b, at (city and state). San Jose, CA The envelope was addressed and mailed as follows a. Name of person served; MICHAEL A RAMOS Street address. 1533 ALTA GLEN DR APT 30 City SAN JOSE State and zip code: CA 95125 c Name of person served Street address City State and zip code b Name of person served Street address City State and zip code d Name of person served. Street address City State and zip code ~ Names and addresses of additional persons served are attached (You may use form POS-030(P) ) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct JIAN 5 jj Npp Janiece Martinez ITYPE OR PRINT NAME OF DECLARANT) (SIGNATURE Ol Oi'CLARANI I NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS P gez of 2 OR OTHER CONTACT INFORMATION 1332196