Complaint Limited Filed by Assignee 5KCal. Super. - 6th Dist.May 28, 2019E-FILED 5/28/2019 3:55 PM Clerk of Court Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara 19CV348915 Reviewed By: L Del Mundo 19CV348915 l.) JACK H. POGOSIAN. Slate Bur N0; 305741 . JONATHAN KOM Suuc Bur No; 32mm Chr'snna Ammd 297590 NICHOL ALAN DE ()l'ZMAN. Slutc Bur No; 3 1498‘) HY() JIN JL'LIA Jl'NG. Slauc Bar N0; 3l6()9() MELINF. GRIGORYAN. Slzllc Bur N0; 321 I33 1060] -(j 'I‘IERRASAN'I‘A BLVI). #4540 SAN DIEGO. CA 9212-1 Tclcphunc: 1866) 300-8750 Fucximilc: (858) 309- l 588 Atlornq x fur Plaintiff Sl'PERIOR (‘Ol'RT 0|" CALIFORNIA COUNTY ()F SANTA CLARA l)()W.\'T()\\'N SlTPERIOR (‘OURT MIDLAND FUNDING LLC Cum: Nu. Plaintiff. COMPLAINT FOR: \x. (l) Account Stated ERINN HOPKINS: PRAYER AMT: Sl.l44.77 and DUES l through H). incluxiw LIMITED Dcl‘cndum. l. Plaintiff. MIDLAND PENDING LLC ("Plaintiflmt is u Limited Liabilil)‘ Company qualificd (n do huxincxs in California. 2‘ ’l'hix wun is 1h: propcr court hccuusc Plaintiff ix inl'onncd und fclim es Ihul Dcl'cndunl ERINN HOPKINS l"l)cfcndunl" L is u resident 0t" SANTA ('LARA County. Slulc quulil‘nmiu. 3. Plaintiff ix unuwurc 0f lhc truc numcx und cupucilics of Defendants sued by lhc ficlilioux numcs DOES | lhmugh 10V Plaintiff will ask Ican'c ofmurl m umcnd this complain! us and \\ hcn lhc lruc numcx and cupmilicx uf Dcfcndums numcd hcrcin us DOES l through H) huvc hccn ascertained. 4. Al ull limcx hcrcin mentioned. Dcl'cndumx. und cuch nl' lhcm. \wrc Ihc principals. ugcntx. cmpluwrs. ample) cus, masters. or sen ums of each 0f their cn-dcl'cmiunls and ratified. udoplcd nr approved lhc ucls or omissinnx ullcgcd hcrcin. und such dcfcndum. in doing the things alleged. wcrc acting in lhc courxc und xwpc of mid authority 0f \uch ugcnlx. \cnums‘ und cmployccx. 5. Pursuant Io California Civil (‘odc §l78858mu l ). I’|uinlilT is u debt buyer as dcfincd by California Civil ('1ch §l788501u). (‘( ).\1Pl A:\IN'I‘ (':\ Ill x20 hlc \u I“ ‘L‘I-Uu IJ 20 6. Pursuant Io Californian Civil C‘ndc §|78858mN2L is sccking In rccmcr lhc umounl 0f Sl.|44.77. This is lhc amount duc 0n credit curd account number XXXXXXXXXXXX-5()37 ("Accnum")' “hiLh was originally issued h)’ SYNCHRONY BANK. Thc amount duc is thc result of lrunsucliuns lhul occurrcd on lhc Accuunl. 7. Pursuant lo California Cix il Cudc §l788.58(u)(3). Pluinlit't' is lhc sole nwncr 0f lhc dchl. Altuchcd hcrclo und incurlmrulcd hcrcin h} rcfcrcncc us lixhihit A is u lruc und currccl copy 0f lhc Bill uf Sulc from SYNCHRONY BANK lo Plaintiff. The uccnunl wus purclmscd by lhc Plaintiff on March 28. 2018. 8. Pursuant lo California (‘ivil Code §I78858um4). lhc Account huluncc ul Ihc limc of churgc-nt‘t‘ \\ 11> S | . | 82.77. 9. ln accordance \xith California Civil Code §|788.58(u)(4). lhc fullmving is un cxplunnlinn nf lhc umnum that Ihc Plaintiff is \ccking Io rccm'cr zu lhc limc of (hc filing of [his (‘nmpluinlz Churgc-UIT Bulancc’ S l . l 82.77 Tulul Pm! (‘hurgc-Ot'f lntcrcsl S().()() Tulul Pm! ('hurgc-(MT FcCs‘ $0.00 l(). Pursuant to (‘ulit'urniu Civil ( ndc §l788.581u)15 L Pluinlil'f ullcgcs [hut Inc dulc 0f default is August l4. 2()l7 und Ihc dulc 0f lhc lust puymcm was July ()7. 2()l7 which was mudc lo SYNCHRONY BANK. ll. Pursuant lo California Civil (‘ndc §l788.58(u)(6). Plaintiff ull-gcs [hut lhc numc 0f lhc churgc-off cr:dilur ul lhc limo 0f lhc churgc-ofl' is SYNCHRONY BANK. ()n information and hclicl' lhc Plaintiff alleges [hut un uddrcv ulili/cd by SYNCHRONY BANK ul lhc lime 0f churgc-ut‘l‘ “us P.(). BOX 965033 ORLANDO Fl. 32896. Al lhc limc ol' churgc off lhc uccounl numhcr associated with lhc dcbl was XXXXXXXXXXXX-SUN. l2. Pursuunl lo (‘ulil'urniu Civil C'U'Jc §l788.58(u)(7). Plaintiff ullcgcs [hut lhc mum: 0f lhc dchlor us it uppcurcd in the records ul' SYNCHRONY BANK is ERINN HOPKINS und Ihc lust known address us il uppcurcd in thc rccords 0f SYNCHRONY BANK is 55 liVANl)ALE AVE APT 4A MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 9-10-13. " Pursuant lo Culil‘urniu Rule 0f (‘nurt and California (‘ivil Cudc §l788.53(c) lhc Account numhcr hus hccn rcduclcd Io protect thc l)cfcnd;ml'.~. cunfidcnliul information. 3 This amount mu) includc lhc churgcd-ufl‘ principal umuunl und prc-clmrgc-OIT accrued inlcrcsl us scl forth in Ihc scllcr dulu shccl ulluchcdhcrclo 21nd inmrpnrulcd hcrcin by rcfcrcncc us Exhibit A. ‘ This umuunl is nut rcflcclivc of Ihc costs incurred in lhc filing zmd .xcrvicc 0f this action which arc rccmcrublc pursuant Io (‘ulit'urniu Codc nl' Civil Procedure §l0335. x (‘( )Ml’l ,AlNT ('-\ Ul ‘ZG i'llc Nu 1‘“):th l}. Pursuant lo California Civil ('odc §|78858(;!)(8). Plaintiff ullcgcs [hut lhc numc and address 0f 1 ull pm! churgc-uff purchasers 0f lhc dchl urc us follows: , Numc Address~ MIDI..»\;\'[) l-‘L'NDING LLC 2365 NURTHSIDE DRIVE SUITE 300 SAN l)lli(i( ) CA 3 92108 4 S l4. Pursuant I0 California Civil (“mic §l788.58(u)(9) Pluinlifl' alleges lhul it has complied with lhc provisions 0f Civil Code “788.53 and lhul i1 informed Dcl‘cndunl 0f lhc assignment 0f thc 6 account. Alluchcd hcrcm and incurpurulcd hcrcin by reference as Exhibit B is u lruc und corrccl copy 0f lhc hrs! wrmcn communication 5cm l0 lhc consumcr by PluInIIH. IS. Pursuant lo Culltormu ( ml (ndc §|78h58(h) attached hcrcln and Incorporated hcrcm ( . . . ‘ 7‘ . ‘ ‘ ) b) rclcrcncc us lthlhll ( Ls a lruc und correct copy 01 :1 1110:11th xlulcmcnl rccurdmg u purchase H) lrunsuclion. puymcnl nr huluncc Irunst‘cr “hilc lhc uccuunt was aclivc us required h)‘ ('ulifumiu Civil || Codc §|788.SZ(M. '3 I6. Thc Accounl buluncc ul Ihc timc 0f churgc-uff was 31.18177. ultuchcd hcrcto and l3 incurpm'utcd hcrcin b} reference us Exhibit I) is u lruc and correct copy 0f u billing slulcmcnl lhul was H muilcd lo Defendant stating lhc buluncc duc 0n lhc Account u! 0r around lhc limc 0f churgc-off. l; I7. By this complaint, Plaintiff scckx In rccm'cr amounts ot‘SlJ 11.77 from Defendant. l-h l8. As ullcgcd ubmc. hcl'nrc filing this suit. ull right. Iillc zmd imcrcsl lo lhc Account wcrc wld und usxigncd In Plaintiff. PIuinIitTowns lhc Acmunt and is cmillcd Io collect 0n thc Accuunl us if it l7 wcrc lhc original creditor. T0 Inc cxtcm Ihul Plaintiff acts in its capacity us \ucccssor-in-imcrcst [0 tho: [8 original crcdilnr nr its assignx. rcfcrcncu hcrcin t0 Plaintiff mu) include Pluinlifl‘s predecessor-in- '9 interval. 30 l‘). Before commcnccmcnt 0f [his inclion. Plaintiff informed Dcfcndnnt in writing lhal it 3| intended Io file lhis uctinn und [hut [his action could result in u judgment against Dcl'cndunl [hut would 32 include mun costs ulluwcd by (‘ulil‘orniu Cndc of (‘ivil Procedure § I()33(h|(2). Attnchcd hcrclo und 2‘ incorporated hcrcin hy reference us lixhihit E is u copy 0f Plaintifl‘x must rcccnl ullcmpl ut rcmlving Ihc 24 underlying obligation. MIDLAND'S EFFORTS T0 RESOLVE THE UNDERLYING ()BLIGA'I‘ION 25 20. Plaintiff MIDLAND FUNDING LLC owm ponl'ulim 0f mnsumcr rcccixuhlc». which il 36 autcmpls Io collect. Plaintiff MIDLAND FUNDING Ll_(‘ und its ut'l'iliulcs (cnllcclivcl). “MII)L:\NI)") 37 gcncrully ullcmpt l0 conlucl cunxumcrs like Dcfcndunl through scwrul mcuns. such us phone culls. 38 lcllcrs. 0r uthcr mcuns. all in 2m cl'fnn lo establish contact 21nd [u rcsoch lhc undcrlying obligation. ‘\ U )MPI .AIN’I‘ (‘-\ (ll U(‘v I‘llc Nu. l‘l‘JII-Nv In doing so. MIDLAND attempts lo usscss cuch cnnsumcr‘s willingness I0 pay. through phone culls, l letters 0r olhcr mcuns. MIDLAND attempts l0 cxcludc conxumcrx from its cullcclinn efforts. xx hcrc 5 MIDLAND hclicvcs those comumcrs urc facing extenuating circumstances 0r hurdxhips lhul would 1 prevent lhcm I'mm making un)‘ pa) mcnts. ‘ 2 l. thn MIDLAND contacts consumers. il strivcs l0 lrcul consumers with respect. 4 compassion. und inlcgril)‘. MIDLAND workx \xith consumers in un ct'furt [0 find muluully-hcnct'iciul 5 wlulium. ut'lcn offering discounts. hardship plum. und puymcnl upliom. MIDLAND'» cfl'nns urc aimed 6 ul “urking \\ ilh consumers to rcpu} lhcir obligations and lo attain financial rccmcr)‘. MIDLAND strives 7 lo engage in diuluguc (hut ix honoruhlc und constructive. and lo play u pmilixc rolc in consumers‘ livcx. x 22. Dcspilc MIDLANDR cl‘l‘urls lu rcuch conxumcrs und rcsoh'c Ihc mnsunlcr's obligations. 9 (ml) u pcrccnlugc 0f consumcrx choose lo cngugc with MIDLAND. 'I‘hnsc who do urc uflcn offered l0 discounts ur puymcnl plans lhul urc inlcndcd [u suit lhcir nccds. MIDLAND would prcl'cr Io work with consumcrx In establish mlunlur) puymcnl urrungcmcms resulting in lhc rcwlulion nf un) undcrhing I I ohliguliom. 12 . . . ‘ 23. Howcwr. lhc majority 0! MIDLAND» conxumcrs Ignurc culls 0r lcllcrs. und some '3 \impl) rcl’usc 10 rcpu) lhcir obligations dcspilc un uppurcm ubilit)‘ Io d0 so. thn (his huppcm. l4 MIDLAND musl decide lhcn whclhcr l0 pursue cullccliun lhruugh Icgul channels. including litigation 15 likc lhc present action against Dcfcndum. Although lhc Account is now in liliguIimL Plaintiff rcmuim '6 v» illing m cxplurc u mutuallybeneficial solution lhmugh mlunlur} payment arrangements. if possible. I7 FIRST (,‘AlISE ()F ACTION l8 A(‘(TOl‘N'l‘ STATED - AGAINST ALI. DICFENDAN'I‘S 34. Plaintiff rcullcgcs and incorpnrmcs by rct‘crcncc lhc foregoing paragraphs. l9 25. Defendant upcncd. uxcd. und dcrix'cd hcncfil from lhc Accounl through Dcfcndnm'x (w. n 20 usc of lhc Accnunl ur h§ unothcr\ usc ul Dcfcndunl‘s direction. By using Ihc Account. Dcfcndunl 3| expressly ugrccd 0r implicdly pmmiscd l0 rcpu) Plaintiff. 23 26. Within thc lust four (4) )mrs. Dcfcndunl hccumc indchtcd 0n lhc Account In Plaintiff in 23 lhc sum nt' Sl.|4-1.77 on un uccnum stalled in writing b) and hum ccn Plaintiff und Defendant in which il 24 \xus ugrccd (hut Dcfcndunl “us indchlcd lu Plaintiff. V 27. Regular monthly stulcmcnts “crc muilcd Io Dcfcndum listing lhc dcbilx. crcdils. and~m hulamcc due on lhc Account. ulluchcd us Exhihil l). 26 27 28 .1 ('( )MPI .AlN'l' ("-\ 1H U(i I'llc Nu. l‘)~'L‘l-1h 28. Dcfcndunl lam mudc u puymcm 0n lhc Account 0n July ()7. 2017 u) SYNCHRONY I BANK. ., 2‘). Plaintiff hus no record 0f Defendant nhjccling lo lhc monthly stuicmcntx uflcr rcccipl. I 30. Pluinlil'f hus mudc demand 0n DcfcndmII for rcpuymcm 0f lhc account slated but ~ Defendant hus failed 1n puy lhc huluncc duc. Attached hcrclo 21nd inmrporulcd hcrcin by rcfcrcncc us 4 Exhibit B is a lruc and currccl copy of first wriucn communication requesting puyncnl lhut was 5cm lo 5 lhc consumer b) Plaintiff. 6 3|. As 0! thc dutc 0f [his complaint Ihcrc is duc and (Ming the unpaid sum nt' Sl.|44.77. 7 This umoum was arrived h} subtracting ull payments und applying uII crcdils (if uny) l0 lhc churgc-off x buluncc ut' Sl.|82.77 us indicated on Ihc churgc-ot‘f stutcmcnl. ulluchcd hcrc lo us Exhibit D. 9 WHEREFORE. Plaintiff prays forjudgmcnl against Defendant us follmu: H) ()n the First Cause 0f Action: l. For lhc unpaid huluncc of S l . l44.77: H 2. (‘0st 0f suit: ll . « . 3. Such nlhcr rchcl us Ihc Court mu) dccm Jml and proper. l3 l4 '5’ Dulcd: MAY 1 5 2mg MIDLAND FUNDING LLC lh l7 By: E g [jJACK H. P(xfiosmx ”4 D JONATHAN KOM D NICHOL ALAN m: GL'XMAN DHYO JIN JULIA JUNO 30 D MELINE GRIGORYAN )«Christina Arnold 297590 g ('( )Ml’l .AIN'I' (‘.-\ Ul U(i h|c Nu I‘LUIHh liXHlBl‘l‘ .‘\ ‘\‘\ “L“IIL \A- I'A‘I‘HI‘ synchrony BANK BILL of SALE Mi I F - - For value received and in further consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth in the Forward Flow Accounts Purchase Agreement (the “Agreement"), dated as of the 4‘“ day of August, 2017 by and between Synchrony Bank formerly known as GE Capital Retail Bank; RPS Holding, L.L.C.; and Retail Finance Credit Services. LLC (collectively “Seller”) and Midland Funding LLC (“Buyer"), Seller hereby transfers. sells. conveys, grants, and delivers to Buyer, its successors and assigns, without recourse except as set forth in the Agreement, the Accounts as set forth in the Notification Files, delivered by Seller to Buyer on March 20. 201 8. and as further described in the Agreement. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the definition ascribed in °hc Agreement. With respect lo information for the Accounts summarized in the Notification Files, the Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that (i) the Account information constitutes the Seller’s own business records and accurately reflects in all material respects the information in the Seller’s database; (ii) the Account information was kept in the regular course of business; (iii) the Account infomation was made at or near the time by. or from information transmitted by, a person with knowledge of the data entered into and maintained in the Accounl's database; and (iv) it is (he regular practice of the Seller’s business to maintain and compile such data. SynchQfiy Bank \ Retail Finance Credit Services, LLC By:_- ‘ ““7 ”‘4 //-‘ By: EJ/rLIaE/fl- Ly W # ’ f v ’ ' m' Title: SVP. Recovery Operations Title Attorney In Fact RFs Holding. LLC Mi 6d, Funding LLC \VV <4) \// ,” 4.“ // B)’: :é’f‘fx ”’ ”i" _ ,Byf '1 \/ "' Name: §¢.|Xo5’<,..~¢ 7§__._ Title: Attorney In Fact Title: bkgvfiymhw‘ 15“».va 3)”-.<’IK\,A¢J P E E K 1 3 c c 2 9 : 5 4 : 2 3 : T E i S M : 7 : . : c : : : y 7 7 : 5 : u _ . u : _ _ /_ . _ . c u 7 : 2 2 2 ; 2 : 1. I : 3 , . 2 x 3 _ _ 3 / , . 2 5 : : 7, _ . , /. E . 2 : _ , . / v / _ V . 1 : A : 7 : ) _ , . 7 : 5 9 . 2 : 1 E : 9 5 2 . , f t u i i . E : 1 . 2 - ... 3 ‘ c i i r. 3 : 3 , . . . 7 . x 2 : ; 7 2 $ c c : 1 % : r, _ : . : : v 3 3 : 7 ‘ . : _ . _ : c _ . _ . < 5 : 1 , : . 7. 3 . “. 5 : 7 5 ; 2 2 ; : 3 , 5 7 E l : 3 5 . _ . _ ‘ n . U E a 2 2 : : _ . _ : . : 7. c p . 7 1 : 1 c : 7. 3 . C A . 7 6 : 2 5 : ? : ch r. . . T E ; 7 : 2 3 . ; _ . : _ : : : . n. C L O 7 : 5 2 z : : 7 4 . 2 2 7 6. r . : F. 3 : 3 , : E 7 7. 7 . 5 ; r. : ‘ r. : _ : L . _ : r. r ; 1 3 2 3 : : x v ; l ? { m a y M 2 5 C i r . _ 1 . 1 . x . _ , . : : _ { 5 . 7 2 . : _ , . 7 6 2 3 ? 3 : 7 5 : 9 5 m $ 2 7 . 5 5 ; c : _ , 7 : 7 _ 1 c _ . C g ? 5 : : 5 , C i r . 7 7 : 6 : u . . . “ : 7 ; _ _ . .. : 7 _ . c _ . 3 : 7 . 1 : 3 : u ; £ 1 7. 3 : 1 2 ;. 1 1 r d : 2 2 . _ : : . n _ r 7 c F . 7 d 3 ; : 2 : 5 2 : - . / : : ; : : 2 : 4 2 5. : . ,. : 7 ?. . . 3 : 7 . i , _ . : _ : _ _ : . r r _ . 1 : 3 : u x . 2 : 7. 3 2 : 6 2 : 2 , /. : . 2 5 . 2 . 2 . / , : H > 2 2 5 : 2 : 5 2 , ” _ , : r. ; : : : . AFFIDAVIT OI" SAHi ()l’ ACCOUNT BY ORIGINAL CREDITOR State ofHorida County 0f Seminole Ashlie Garcia being duly swom. dcposcs and says: I 21m ()vcr l8 and not a party Ofthis action. l am a Media Representative ofSynchrony Bank fomlerly known as GE Capital Retail Bunk. In that position I haw access to creditor’s books and records. and am aware 0fthc process ufthc sale and assignment 0f electronically stored business records. ()n or about 3/20/2018 Synchrony Bank formerly known as GE (‘apital Retail Bank sold a p001 ofchargc-offaccounts (thc Accounts) by a Purchase and Sale Agreement 21nd a Bill ofSalc t0 Midland Funding LLC. As pan of'thc sale 0fthe Accounts, electronic records and other records wcrc transferred (m individual Accounts t0 the debt buver. These records wcrc kept in the ordinary course ofbusincss 0f Synchrony Bank fommrly known as GE Capital Retail Bank. Thc Creditor has a process to detect and correct errors 0n these accounts. 'l'hc above statements arc truc 10 the bcst of my knowledge. Signed this 6th day ofJunc, 20] 8 Ashn Ga cia' // Signed and sworn t0 before mc this ()th day ()I‘Junc, 2018 (Notary Stamp) ./ \o“;',"'.‘"o, DARYL REID _ ,3, Sula of Flondu-Notmy Public '2: Commussuon I GO 134423 5:5 3‘ My Ccmmlsslon Expnes ["1nnl‘“ AUOUS‘ 1‘4 2021 b mun,n NY AOS |.3 2/1/2017 - St. Paul CERTIFICATE 0F CONFORMITY UNDER NYS CLS CPLR S 2309(c) AND NYS CLS RPL Q 299-8 'l‘he undersigned does hereby certify that hc/shc is an attomcy-at-law duly admitted t0 practice in thc State of Florida and residing in thc State of Florida; that she is a person duly qualified t0 make this ccnificate 0f confonnity pursuant to Section 299-a of the Real Propeny Law 0f the State of New York; that shc is fully acquainted with the laws 0f the State of Florida pertaining t0 the acknowledgment or proof 0f affidavits; that the acknowledgement 0r proof upon thc foregoing Affidavit ofAshlie Garcia was taken by Daryl Reid, a notary public in the State of Florida, in the manner prescribed by the laws ofthc State 0f Florida, being the state in which thc Affidavit was taken; and, based on hcr rcvicw thereof, that the notarized Affidavit conforms to thc laws ofthe State 0f Florida in all respects. Witness my signature this 6th day (W. 2018/ l. Jcnf‘iicr N n At! cy~at-law, State ofFlorida. AFFIDAVIT OF SALE O}: ACCOUNT BY ORIGINAL CREDITOR State of Horida County of Scminoic Ash|ie Garcia being duly sworn, dcposcs and says: l am ovcr l8 and nut a party Ofthis action. | am a Media Representative ofSynchmny Bank fomwrly known as GE Capital Retail Bank. ln (hut position l have access to creditor‘s books and records. and am uwarc 0f lhc proccss of‘thc sale and assignment of'clcctronically stored business records. ()n or about 3/20/2018 Synchrony Bank formerly known as (‘IE (‘apital Retail Bank sold a p00] ofchargc-ol'i'accounts (thc Accounts) by a Purchase and Sale Agreement and a Bill oi'Sale to Midland Funding LLC. As pan ufthe sale ot'the Accounts. electronic records and other records wcrc transferred 0n individual Accaunts to the debt buyer. These records wcrc kcpt in the ordinary course ofbusincss of Synchrony Bank fomlcrly known as Gh Capital Retail Bank. Thc Creditor has a process t0 detect and correct errors on these accounts. 'l'he above statements arc: truc 10 thc bcst of my knowledge. Signed this 6th day OfJunc, 201 8 Ashli Ga cia / Signed and swom t0 before me this ()th day ()Hunc, 2018 (Notary Stamp) / 3mm, DARYL REID K2 Sme of Flonda-Notaty Puolu: Commnsuon a G(s 134423 ’ I My Ccmmlssnon Exnnves"InmN‘ August 14. 2021 "m NY AOS |,3 2/1/2017 - SI. Paul CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY UNDER NYS CLS (?PLR S 2309(c) AND NYS (TLS RPL S 299-a 'l‘he undersigned does hereby certify that hc/shc is 2m attomcy-at-law duly admitted t0 practice in thc State 0f Florida and residing in thc State 0f Florida; that shc is a person duly qualified t0 make this ccnificate of'conformity pursuant t0 Section 299-2: 0fthc Real Property Law 0f the State 0f New York; that she is fully acquainted with the laws 0f the State 0f Florida pcrtaining to the acknowledgment 0r proof 0f affidavits; that the acknowledgement 0r proof upon thc foregoing Affidavit ofAshlie Garcia was taken by Daryl Reid, a notary public in the State of Florida, in the manner prescribed by the laws ofthc State 0f Florida. being the state in which thc Affidavit was taken; and, based 0n hcr rcvicw thereof, that the notarized Affidavit conforms to thc laws ofthc State of Florida in all respects. Witness my signature this 6th day of / Field Account_Number First_Name Last_Name SSN Birth_Date Account_Address_1 City State Zip_Code ContractiDate Last_Payment_Date ChargeOff_Date Current_Balance Last_Pay_Amount ChargeOff_Amount Lending_Office_Code Last_Purchase_Date Account information provided by SYNCHRONY BANK pursuant to the Bill of Sale / Assignment of Accounts transferred on or about 03/28/2018 in connection with the sale of accounts from SYNCHRONY BANK to Midland Fundmg, LLC. Field Data -sos7 ERINN HOPKINS o....0181- 55 EVANDALE AVE APT 4A MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043-2057 4/10/2012 7/7/2017 2/9/2018 1182.77 35 1182.77 WALMART 7/9/2017 liXHlBl'l' B \\ "lfhlllu \u 1" "‘i 1h 1 -m c Midland Cred"Manwumnl Inc- e 06mg, v t x . . . . , r , .h- mauuurmmmummy: m Po uo- mos' ‘ ‘1 , ,. A 4 -. u r mum... vuwn nos 07 03 2018 Account Transfer Details Original Creditot Synchrony Bank Original Account Number -5037 rum :05 I A “Inn Hopklm a Current SererI Midland Cledul MdnagcmenL Inc 55 Evandale Ave Apt 4A MCM Account Number 8‘3 79817012 Mmmmm Ww- (A Q40“ 20:); Current Owner Midland Funding LLC Current Balance $1.182 77 |"I-II'I-I-|"|"Il-I-u"I"l-ul'ml-I-I'll“'-Il'll'ul"n- Flexible Payment Options Available (866) 361-0420- Rf synmvony Bank Walmavl Account at a Glance Dear Erum. (“"9” 33'3"“ Welcome“ On {33-28-2018, your Symhvuny BanK/Walnmn amount mas sold to Midland Fundm rb $1,132.77 llC, which Is now the sole owner of thus debt Midland (.redut Management, Inc (“MCM”), a ds‘m (ollotlmn company, wnl be (ollonmg on] and scrwcmg your account, on behalf of Midland Fundmg LLC Flexible Payment Options , To welcome vou lo MCM, we d luke lo ol‘cv you an appurtumly w discus; 1qu blc payment ophcns Avail‘ble Io wsolvv thus aumml M(M Is a duffwem kind :3! deb! collmlnr Here Is what m exppct Reuive Personalized Service A dedicated Account Manager will be assugned m yom scmum - Wu wdl mad! uu! Io you by phone and mail over (hu months to conu- Useful tools and vesouries onhm- M MCMPav Lom 8|“. 0F RIGHTS' MCM, a partner vCJ (an 1w): WWu value you! eupwvence and undmsland (hat maragmg mam (an l»- .1 (m‘ r ull process' Ihat Is why wp 5H slandards Pm how you are to be treated WM? working wnh us Vlm MCMpnv com x0 learn about our Consumr-r BM of ngm‘. m LJH (866) 361 0420 Io exponence tho Reply by dIHu-vvr‘u: Vor yoursul! 08-17-2018 Call (866) 361-0420 _ , Mun FL 11.x'n 7 309m FT. NbOk/ Sm Nick Sondu, Assnmvt Vice Preydenl Sun vwlv. P S Any dlscounts or rrpaymenl ophons '10 nu! .Ilh-r your validation nght‘, .15 dcambod 0n {ho n-vurw side Wt an: not obhgated (0 renew any oflms pvowdcd Mu‘anu Clem! Managen‘ent Im - 9 C) 2,(866) 361 0420 MCMPaV-wm 9 K PLEASE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE INFORMATION MCM Accounx Number 8579312012 Manage VOW ACCOUM Online Currem Balance $1,182 77 Toxauzncmsed $ . I Important Payment Information Miughzsttpayable m: Mrdland Lredlt Marmgwm-n! . , , r: Hz. Ma” Payments lo. Enlu ,our M(M Amount un a“ pd,” cm) Midland Credit Management Inc (866) 361-0420 p o Box 2000 Warren. MI48090-2ooo se habla espafiol (855) 983-6352 V006 Important Disclosure Information: Please understand lhis is a communication from a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Unless you notify MCM within :hirty (30) days after receiving this notice that you dispute the validity of the debt, or any ponlon thereof, MCM will assume this debt to be valid. If you notify MCM, in writing, within thirty (30) days after receiving this notice that the debt, or any ponion thereof, is disputed, MCM will obtain verificakion of the debt or a copy of a judgment (if there is a judgment) and MCM will mail you a copy of such verification or judgment. If you request, in writing, within thirty (30) days after receiving (his notice, MCM wilI provide you with the name and address of me original creditor. Calls to and/or from this company may be monitored or recorded. Original Creditor flnchronyiagniki Current Creditor h/Ldland Funding LLC Orlgunal Account Number Midland Credit Management, Inc Current SerVIcer ‘ -sosv l 02-09-2018 ,_,#_ v 7, _. _ __‘ éharge-OH carter MCM Accoum’Nuriwb-e? 7 8599é32012 .‘ fignd ngmgng; 3Q: Midland Credit Management, Inc P‘O. Box 2000 Warren, MI 48090-2000 80 Garden Center Surte 3 Broomfield. CO 80020 Phone (303) 920-4763 Ann: Consumer Suppon Services 2365 Nonhside Drive Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92108 You may also call (866) 361-0420 Yhe records associated wuh [he Synchrony Bank account purchased by M'dland Funding LLC, reflect ma! you are obhgated on thus account, which Is In default. As the owner of this account, but sublect to the rights described below. Midland Funding LLC Is entitled to payment of this account. All communication (egardmg thus acteunt should be addressed to MCM and not the prevxous owner. I! an attorney represents you wnh regard m thus debt, please refer thus lexter to your attorney, kaewrse, «f you are Involved m an active bankruptcy case, or If thus debt has been discharged In a bankruptcy case, please refer this letter (o your bankruptcy attorney so that we may be notified Please remember, even If you make a payment wlthm t‘urty (30) days after receiving thus notice, you still have tho remainder of the thlny (30) days to exercnse the rights descnbed above If your payment method Is a credit or debut card, It may be processed through our mternanonal card processor Although our policy us to not charge consumers fees based upon their payment mexhod, your card ISSuer may elect to do so due to the location of the card processor If an mtematvonal transaction fee has been charged by your card Issuer, that fee Is eligible for rmmbursement You may comact vour Account Manager to modify your payment method to avond these charges In the fumre and for Information to Inmate your reimbursement. As requ red by law, you are hereby noufied that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted m a credl! reporting agency If you fall (o fulfIII the terms of {our credit obligations. We are required under state law to nofify consumen s of the following additional rights. This list does not contain a co. nplete list of the rights consumers have under applicable law: NMLS ID: 934164 IF YOU LIVE IN CALIFORNIA, THIS APPLIES TO YOU: Tho state Rosenlhal Faur Debt Collecnon Practices Act and {he federal Fair IF YOU LIVE IN MASSACHUSETTS, THIS APPLIES TO YOU: NOTICE OF IMPORTANT RIGHTS: You have the right to make a Debt Collectlon Practices Act require that, except under unusual circumstances, collectors may not contact you before 8 or after 9 p m They may not harass you by us-ng threats of Violence or arrest 01 by usmg obscene language Collectors may no! use false or misleading statements or call you at work If they know or have reason to know that you may not receive personal calls at work For (he most part, collectors may not tell another person, other than your attorney or spouse, about your debl. Collectors may conlaa another person (o confirm your location or enforce a Judgment. For more mlormalion about debt collection actlvmes, you may contact the Federal hade Commission at 1~877»FTC-HELP or http://www,ftcvgov Nonprofit credit counseling serVIces may be available In me area. IF YOU UVE IN COLORADO, THIS APPUES T0 YOU: FOR INFORMATION ABOUI 1H£ COLORADO FAIR DEBT COLLECIION PRACHCLS ACI, SEE www.COAG GOV/CAR‘ A consumer has the right to request In wrmng that a debt collector or collection agency cease further communication wuth the consumer. A wnlten request to cease commumcauon wxll not prohibit the debt collector or collection agency from taking any other anion authorized by law to collect the debt wrlttcn or oral reques‘ tha‘ telephone calls regarding your debt not be made to you at your place of employment Any such oral request will be valid for only ten (10) days unless you p(ovide written confirmation of the request postmarked or delivered wuthln seven (7) days of such request. You may terminate (his request by wntmg to MCM IF YOU LIVE IN MINNESOTA, THIS APPLIES TO YOU: This collectnon agency Is Incensed by the Minnesota Department of Commerce. IF YOU UVE IN NEW YORK CITY, THIS APPLIES TO VOU: New York Cntv Depanment of Consumer Affairs License Number 11406034 1207829, 1207820, 1227728, 2022587, 2023151, 2023152, 2027429, 2027430, 2027431 IF YOU LIVE IN NORTH CAROLINA, THIS APPLIES T0 YOU: North Carolina Department of Insurance Permit #101659, #4182, #4250, and “3777, #111895, and #112039 Midland Credul Management, |ch 2365 Northsude Drive, Sune 300, San Diego, CA 92108 IF YOU LIVE IN TENNESSEE, THIS APPLIES TO YOU: Thus collecnon agency is Incensed by the Collecnon Servuce Board of (he Department of Commerce and Insurance VAlA EXHIBITC .-\.-\ (H37 I‘llc N0: I‘LUIHf» Walmart‘ [HWN A HOPKINS V-s' .25 a- «alman com Clear! Credlt Card Accww wmoev -503* custom: Some 1 er: 294 7330 ' Summ-y o! Aceoum Activity I Plym lMom-uon P'cv ms Bmanco S ‘ Y 3 85 Now Halanco $800 93 Payments $35 ()0 Tom Mvmmum Payment ()ue $56 00 - Othel Clams $0 ‘3 Ovemvm Avvounl 5'0 97 . Pmmmscs DeO-Is SI? 2B Paymcn! Due 0.11:: 08 ix; 20‘ 7 o Cash Amawms Om:- Cusu $50 ()0 o Fool Cmvgod 835.00 uh Puymonl anlngm wn no not :ocmo mm You; . Inlmsl Charo“ $14.97 Mu mm Payvrm: mo o, mu Paywsvl 0...; Dam stea above you may have Ia pay a late iee up ta S38 00 h" uh”. ””037 Illnlmum Pnymcn! Warning: H yo» "mic only lr-e vmv-mm payn'ml each [21m you mil pay mole n nleves! and cl wa| “ed" L“! "9° law you once! to pay of' ,~s.' b: arcs Fov o-amo-e A-ariab‘c C'cc’. DVERJMIY Casl‘wvamerhanasm n~| SW“: "mm” VW'IM‘W Wm...” Maude Ch" Oflqu monom- Mm mmm Smtmerf 00w.“ Dam 07 v. 2m- mm cud mom on nu mad mu! myspfichwe 3‘ mdudlmmlh :mmma d.. Only [he 'mmmum 3 yeals 5| 057 00 paymem H you wouk‘! 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L’Obf I New address ov emu" "um changes on back Malta Payment To: WALMm' SVNCMRONV BANK P O BOX ‘.3C92T AYLANYA GA 30353 0927 m Ivan Dale Post Dale Rde'ence Numoev Descvam ct Transaction or Clm Plan Yyoe Amount O7 05 07 05 P9! 12005VOIOPBPDP WALMART 002280 MOUNTAIN VIEW REG $10 30 CA SAM'SWAL-MART PURCHASBSI REG 07 05 D7 05 P9! I2006V0‘OPBZDZ QUICK CASH REG 560 00 07 05 07 05 P91 12006V01OP82DZ WALMART 002280 MOUNTAIN VIEW REG S! AB CA WSWAL MARY PURCHASES! REG O7 07 O7 07 P9! 12005VO0XTZROS PHONE PAYMENT THANK VOU ($35 00! 07 ll O7 N REWARDSSPECIAL OFFEfl CREDIY ($0 l3! FEES OT 06 07 06 LATE FEE S35 00 ‘I’OTAL FEES FOR THIS PENOD 835.00 MEREST main c7 u 07 u INVEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES SM 58 7 ‘4 07 N NYERESY CHAR’T ONCASM $039 ADVANCES TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD 814.97 ”17 Tohh Vernon- YotaJFwschamedm 2017 SI‘OOO foul lnwosxclwqoo nn 2017 ”0‘ ‘3 Tomi Imam! Pam m 20I 7 5‘04 2? mmM Vow Annual Panning. Rm (APR): mo annual moves: mo on you: accounl Tyoo 0| Balm Erwahon Plan Annual Pecoemm Balance Sumac! to Inmosl Balance Dam Type Raw Inmul Rate Charge Memos Roguw Purchases A Cash NA REG 23 659mm S745 34 5M 97 20Mums w; - Vanni. mo Eho-uo cud purchases may be Mod undo: one o! mo 'olowmq uomohons Na Inlomsl lo: 6 o: 12 months F0: each pcomonon ans: tho pmmohon mas. a 23 65*. APR mu wy ll a Ivy us shown alto: you: APR un mo Inwux Chavgo Calculator! seam ol m-s ulna smomonl, me APR us a vanm vale and mil vary mm the mama! based on the Puma Rm Mlmmum monlhly payment arc voquuoa Soc pvomohoual mmsmg lo: Vumw cola": ElaoUe card puvchasos may Do bnoa undo! one ol me 'olowma uomonons No Intros! c1 Pand m Full wmun 6. 12 ‘8 ov 2‘ months Urns! each ol mesa p'omohom ll the pvomobonal balance Is no! pad m lull mmm me pvomobona! penod. Interest wull be wmosed "om mo dale o! puvcnasc al a vale of 23 65*. II a m Is Shown allot you: APR nn me lnxuesl Chime Calcuuhon socmn o! (M Mm summon! mo APR us a unable ul- and ml vuy mo: mo mama baud on me Puma Rue Mmmum mommy payment- Iro voqm-d So. uomononal mama Io: 1mm: damn N you: mum ha: n wmod maul pcomobon Ira you wowo lite us lo m I Dayna"! on your account lo a spook balance please cal Customer Somco lo oscuss omons mat may be avmlaue Synduony Ham may comm lo 001m" m'ocmahon maoqu Myrna“ um uncom- mlomuhon "om omen woul yo“ "WW 'Nvoslmo 'ooofla lvom eonwmov momma anew and olho' sown”: Io wow mmnlmn o' coded your account Fov move m'ovmauon abom tho Wnlmm clam cam rewards ptogam. loo on lom walman com credmaqs Plon- nolo ma! Cantu Chock: and Loan Tamra Chocks an nmW lovmt of um Mun manna your payment n Snm’l Clubs o: Walmaflfi .nv . , . .- .A.. : .. ..~.a liX'lllBl'l‘ I) \ \ HIS! l ll: .\\‘ l“ ".‘l-lh Walmart" ERINN A HOPKINS VIs-l m al walman rum mam] . Cred|t C ard mow Mm. -soav cum”. some woos:- 4525 Summuy oi Accoum AdMly V Plymommm meous Balance 3| 064 J2 New Balance S! Lu 71' ~ Fou Charged $38.00 Amount Past Duo $393 00 o lmorut Charges m.“ foul Mmmum Paymenl Duo $465 00 NOW BIIIMO s1 ‘u 77 Ovanm‘! amount ‘3“ Payment Due C-alu 02 06 ?0‘8 Cram Ln! 5790 Annm Cram sc oo Law Paymenl Wmlngzu we no «cv roccwn ycur Vow Cash Amancn Oman Casn L‘mt 5‘58 Mvwvvum Pannevl Due cy 1M Paymem Du..- Dalv nslea Ayaname casr 5c 00 above you nay uve xo ony a ma 'eo no Io $38 00 Sulemem Cmmg Dam av u 2.313 Minimum Payment Warning: n ,oJ mam ow Inc m-mmum Day, n 8i, ma Cycw 31 nayMon! each paw you ml pay Mme HI Moms! and =l «rlmm you kmqev to pay an ,om nannco Hr mama: n you m m Von m pay on Md yw M om muons damn 1M banner w pom an unto mm m on m- m lad Ind um month women! n d you ply m Oflly me 'mmmum 2 yeavs S1 J70 00 paymonl Iv you mks Mm Imam non mm: crodll counullng servleet ca‘l v 877 302 BT75 324-8."mSum m Non tamed mus Stazcmmt 3% tamed on Walman com SO 00 2‘- Eamoa on Fuel' $0 00 Eam towards ow everyday pmchases 1'-. Famed on Other Purcnases $0 00 «uh your Walman Cream Carc' Total Famed [ms Stalcmem SO 00 Redeemed (ms Stammenl $0 00 ‘Walman and Mmpny USA stations only EAXMENI flUhBiWLDAIL ,. NOTDCE Wc 'nay com-cn ,-om pdyrrc'u .r'o an cleavomc 00m Sec vcvevsc '0' oela‘ls H.» mg N-oms And emo' Moonnnl I'I'wr‘u-(uv Dams" and mm ms ncrhnn wxlh ,ou :heon Do no! "dude an) :mnnpondoncn w-m you! check -. " . AccouniNumbu.-5037 Walmart, \ g Toulnhm Mum W0» W Mm Wm», mum." W000. M000 Mum! V $465 00 $393 00 02062018 $3547 s: 1n 77 New adores: o: 0mm” vam changes on baa “M $ DUDE D. DD ‘IIII I l III‘I ERINN A HOPKINS 55 FVAP‘OAI F A'JF APT 4A MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043 2057 Make Pnymom To: WALMARY SvNcnn-zwv emu P o Box 530927 AILANYA GA 30353 0927 TMW Tvav Dale Post Dale Re'aence Numw Descvu-or o' T'ansacllon 0' Cveon Plan Yype Amount FEES 0106 0106 [ATE FEE $3300 TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD $38.00 INTEREST CHARGED 01 u oI u INTEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES s?! 08 01 u m u INTEREST CHARGE ON CASH 5‘ 37 ADVANCES TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERSOD $22.45 ml 1’“ Vou-Ym Tow Fees mrooam 2015 $1300 Tom lumen mayo” .n 2018 m ‘5 Tom moms: Pam m 20‘s $0 00 MMm Vow Annual Potomac. Rah (APR): mo mnuu mmm vm on your nccoum Typo o! Balance ExpuaI-on Plan Annual Pucomago Batman W Io Imuost Balance Dale Type Ram Inlcvcsl Rate Chaloc Mclhod Roomy Plumes” 5 Cum NA REG 23 90%1vv SI ‘06 08 $22 45 20 Manon m v Vunable Iliam Nl'l UHm YOUR ACCOUNY IS PAS! DUE PLEASE PAY YHE MINIMUM PAYMENT DUE OR CONIACY IH'S OH-ICE A1 IHE PNONE NUMBER LISTED ON YOUR SIAIEMENI N yum account has a damned mlovosl olomouon and you wouId Mm us Io wow a payment on your aocoun! lo A $000M: balance phase cal! Custom»: Somcv lo (Mums oohons ma! may be audible Pioaso nola that Came: Chocks and Loan Tnmloc Chocks are not momma loans ol mm when mama your paymom m Sam's (:an cl Waxmam liXHlBl'l‘ Ii -\..\ HI 3‘! I 1h- \u Iv 011w . /\\ Mm, Nonce of Legal Placement cm. v.o.-o-zmwm.mmoo\J Wm Account Information 01/18/20” Original Creditor: SYNCHRONY BANK Origiml Account Number: xxxxxxxxxxxxson g CunoM Owner: Midland Fundmg lLCEnnn Hopk-ns Internal Lew Account Number: 19792146 W13: 55 [”"da'e A" Am M Current Balance: $1.182 77 ' Mountain View. CA 94043 2057 III u.ul"l "IIMI ' "I‘ I'll "nil ll v.5“ U5 0""09IIIIIIHI In II lllu II |||| lln MCMPavmm Dear Ennn, Ya." SVNCHRONV BANK accounl, owned 0y Midland Funding LLC‘ has been transiened lo cur legal depanmenl. Benefits of Paying o Get rid of (his debt and s“ o" wuh your me Please pay $1,182 77 o: (all u‘ u (866) 3008750 lo dus