Civil Case Cover SheetCal. Super. - 6th Dist.May 28, 2019ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY /Name. Stale Sar numse srd address/ Joseph R. Manning, Jr. SBN: 22338i Manning Law, APC 20062 SW BIRCH STREET, Suite 200, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660-8860 TELEPHONE NO 949-200-8755 cxx No. 866-843-8308 ArroRNEY FoR /Name) Carmen John Perri sUPERIQR couRT oF cALIFQRNIA,coUNTY QF SANTA CLARA E~REET ~DDREss 191 North First Street vAiUNO~DDREss 191 North First Street GITY AND 2IP coDE Ssn Jose, 95 I 1 3 sRANcH NxvE Downtown Sunerior Court CASE NAME. Carmen John Perri v Sonests International Hotels Corporation, et el. FOR COURT USE ONE Y CM-010 CIVILCASE COVER SHEET Complex Case Designation EX] Unlimited M Limited (Amount (Amount E3 Counter M Joinder demanded demanded is Filed with first appearance by defendant exceeds $25,000) $25,000 or less) ) (CaL Rules of Court, rule 3.402) tiE» Items 1-5 below musf be completed (see instructions on page 2). 1. Check one box below for the case type that best describes this case: Auto Tort Contract Provisionally Complex Civil Litigation (Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.400-3.403) AntitrusuTrade regulation (03) Construction defect (10) C3 Masstarl(40) Secunties litigation (28) C3 Breach of cantracvwarranty!06) Rule 3.740 callections (09) C3 Auto (22l Uninsured motorist (46) Other Pl/PD/WD (Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death) Tort Asbestos (04) Other collections (09) insurance coverage (18) Other cantract i3? I Product liability (24) Medical malpractice (45) Other Pl/PD/WD (23) Real Property Emment domain. Inverse condemnation {14i Environmental/Toxic tort (30) C3 Insurance coverage claims ansmg from the above listed rovisianall corn Iex case I HO Xa I !TYPE OR PRINT NAME) Fo Adopted fo Ma datory Use Judo at Co unc I of California CM-OIO IRev Jirly f. 2007I wm coumnfo ca gov w tl o a co 0 ld* p y p Non-Pl/PD/WD (Other) Tort Wrongful eviction (33 I types (41) C3 Business tort/unfair business practice (07) +h " W p Enforcement of Judgment ~X Civil nghts (08) Unlawful Detainer Enforcement of judgment (20) Defamation (13) Commercial (31} Miscellaneous Civil Complaint C3 Fraud (16) Residential (32'I C] RICO (27) Intellectual properly (19) Drugs {38) E3 Other complamt (not specified above) (42)E] Professional negligence (25) Judicial Review Miscellaneous Civil PetitionC] Other nan Pl/PD/WD tort (35) M Partnership and corporate governance (21 )Employment Pesuon rfu arblt"ation a~std (11) ~ 0th t't' I 'f d b ) (43)~ Ot er petition (not specifie a ove)Wrongful termination (36) Writ of manaate (02)~ Other employment (15) Other jucioal review {39j 2. This case ~ is LKJ is not complex under rule 3.400 oi the California Rules of Court. If the case is complex, mark the factors requiring exceptional judicial management: a. M Large number of separately represented parties d.: Large number of witnesses b. M Extensive motion practice raising difficultor novel e. E3 Coordination with related actions pending in one or more courts issues that will be time-consuming to resolve in other counties, states, or countries, or in a federal court c. Substantial amount of documentary evidence f. I Substantial pastjudgment judiciaf supervision 3. Remedies sought (check ail that apply): a.~ monetary b.~ nonmonetary; declaratory or injunctive relief c punitive 4. Number of causes of action (specify)/ 5. This case M is CZ is not a class action suit. 6. If there are any known related cases, file and serve a notice of related case. (Yo may use form CM-015.) Date. 5/28/19 I ts(PRATDRE rrF yattyy CR A~TRJEEYIFEIR PARTY) NOTICE 'L J ~ Plaintiff must file this cover sheet with the first paper filed in the action or procee15!ng (except small claims cases or cases filed under the Probate Code, Family Code, or Welfare and Institutions Code). (CEL Rules of Court, rule 3.220.) Failure to file may result in sanctions. ~ File this cover sheet in addition to any cover sheet required by local court rule. ~ If this case is complex under rule 3.400 et seq. of the California Rules of Court, you must serve a copy of this cover sheet on all other parties to the action or proceeding. ~ Unless this is a collections case under rule 3.740 or a complex case. this cover sheet will be used for statisticaf purposes onlv. Faget ot2 CIVILCASE COVER SHEET Cal Rules of Court, rules 2.30. 3 220. 3 400-3 403 3 740, Cal Standards of Judioai Adm nistrat on. std 3 IO Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 5/28/2019 2:50 PM Reviewed By: L Del Mundo Case #19CV348898 Envelope: 2937818 19CV348898 cu-010 Inev July 1. 200/I C M-010 INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO COMPLETE THE COVER SHEET To Plaintiffs and Others Filing First Papers. If you are tiling a first paper (for example, a complaint) in a civil case, you must complete and file, along with your first paper, the Ci vi/ Case Cover Sheet contained on page 1. This information will be used to compile statistics about the types and numbers of cases filed. You must complete items 1 through 6 on the sheet. In item 1, you must check one box for the case type that best describes the case. If the case fits both a general and a more specific type of case listed in item 1, check the more specific one. If the case has multiple causes of action, check the box that best indicates the primary cause of action. To assist you in completing the sheet, examples of the cases that belong under each case type in item 1 are provided below. A cover sheet must be filed only with your initial paper. Failure to file a cover sheet with the first paper filed in a civil case may subject a party, its counsel, or both to sanctions under rules 2.30 and 3.220 of the California Rules of Court. To Parties in Rule 3.740 Collections Cases. A "collections case" under rule 3.740 is defined as an action for recovery of money owed in a sum stated to be certain that is not more than $25,000, exclusive of interest and attorney's fees, arising from a transaction in which property, services, or money was acquired on credit. A collections case does not include an action seeking the following: (1) tort damages, (2) punitive damages, (3) recovery of real property, (4) recovery of personal property, or (5) a prejudgment writ of attachment. The identification of a case as a rule 3.740 collections case on this form means that it will be exempt from the general time-for-service requirements and case management rules. unless a defendant files a responsive pleading. A rule 3.740 collections case will be subject to the requirements for service and obtaining a judgment in rule 3.740. To Parties in Complex Cases. In complex cases only, parties must also use the Civil Case Cover Sheet to designate whether the case is complex. If a plaintiff believes the case is complex under rule 3.400 of the California Rules of Court, this must be indicated by completing the appropriate boxes in items 1 and 2. If a plaintiff designates a case as complex, the cover sheet must be served with the complaint on all parties to the action. A defendant may file and serve no later than the time of its first appearance a joinder in the plaintiff's designation, a counter-designation that the case is not complex, or, if the plaintiff has made no designation, a designation that the case is complex. CASE TYPES AND EXAMPLES Auto Tort Contract Provisionally Complex Civil Litigation (Cel. Auto (22) -Personal Inlury/Properly Breech of Contract/Warranty (06) Rules of Court Rules 3.400-3.403) Damage/Wrongful Death Breach of Renisl/Lease Antitrust/Trade Regulation (03) Uninsured Motansi (46) (ii the Centred (nai union/ui deifsner Construction Defect (10) case involves an uninsured ar wrongful eviciian) Claims Involving Mass Tort (40) mofansi c/aim sub/ecf ia Cantreci/Werraniy Breach -Seller Secunties Litigation (28) arbitration, check ibis item Plaintiff fnat fraud or negsgence) Environmental/Toxic Tort (30) instead of Auto) Neghgent Breach of Contra@,'nsurance Coverage Claims Other pl/pD/WD (personal Injury/ Warranty (er/sing from pravisianaiiy complex Property Damage/Wrongful Death) Other Breach of ConiractiWarranty case type listed above) (41) Tort Collections (e.g, money owed, open Enforcement of Judgment Asbestos (04) book accounts) (09) Enforcement of Judgment (20) Asbestos Property Damage Caileclian Case-Seller Plaintiff Abstract of Judgment (Oui of Asbestos Personal Inlury/ Other Promissory iNate/Coiieclions County) Case Confession of Judgment fnan- Product Liability (naf asbestos or Insurance Coverage inai provisions//y domestic relations) raine/enviranmenlei) (24) camp/ex} (18) Sister State Judgment Medical Malpractice (45) Auia Subrogation Admmisirative Agency Award Medical Malpractice- Oiher Coverage (nai unpaid taxes) Physicians 8 Surgeons Other Contract i37,'. Petition/Certification of Entry of Other Professional Health Care Canlractuei Fraud Judgment on Unpaid Taxes Malpractice Oiher Contract Dispute Other Enforcement of Judgment Other Pl/PD/WD (23) Reel Praperty Premises Liabihiy (e g, shp Eminent Dameirvinverse Miscellaneous CivilComplaint end fall) Condemnation {14) RICO (27) Intentional Bodily Injury/PD/WD Wrongful Eviction i33) Other Complaint (nai specihed (e g., assault, vandehsm) other Real Property (e.g., quiet iiiie) (26) above) (42) Intentional Infhchon of Writ af Possession of Real Properly Declarato Relief Onis ry ' y Emotional Distress Iniunctive Relief Only (non Negligent Infliction of harassment) Emotional Distress Other Real Prapeny (naf eminent Other Pl/PD/WD do/nein, /end/ardyienani, ai'on-Pl/PD/WD(Other) Tort faredasure) case (non-ion/non-comp/ex) Business Tort/Unfair Business Unlewfu Detaineri Other Civil Complaint(non-iorfynon-comp/ex) Comme rciai (31 } Miscellaneous Civil PetitionCivil Rights (e g, discrimmation, Residential (32) false arrest) fnoi civii Drugs (38) f f the case.'nva/ves i//egs/ harassment) (08) drags. check this dem; oiheiwise. Other Petition fnai speci/iedDefamation (e g, slander, libel) 1 report as Commerciei or Residenfi sf) above) (43) ( 3) Judicial Review Civil HarassmentFraud (16) Asset Farleiiure! 05) Intellectual Property (19) Petition Re: Arbitration Award ('I t), Professional Neghgence (25) Wrx ol Mandate (02! Legal Malpractice Wiii-Administrative Mandamus Other Professional Malpractice Wnt-Msnaamus an Limited Court Petition for Name Change Case Matter Petition for Rehef From Late Writ-Other Limried Court Case ClaimEmployment Review Wrongful Termination (36) Other Employment (15) Review of Health Officer Order Notice of Appeal-Labor Camn.ieeiOner Appeals CIVILCASE COVER SHEET