Proof of Service Summons DLR CivilCal. Super. - 6th Dist.June 3, 2019Attorney or Party without Attorney: For Court Use Only KENNE DY & SOUZA, APC KENYA T. TANGONAN, ESQ. (227899) lectronically Filed 7964ARJONs DRIVE, SUITE "I" Superior Court of CA, SAN D'EGOI CA 92126 ounty of Santa Clara, Telephone NO.‘ 858-267-41 27 . n 10/4/2019 6.20 PM Attorney For: Plaintiff g8?“ O’H’ENQ‘ Reviewed By: L Del Mundo ase #1 9CV348486 Insert name of Court, andjudicial District and Branch Coun: E nve|ope: 348401 7 SANTA CLARA COUNTY SUPERIOR COU RT P/aintifi? RICHARDJOSEPH CONSTRUCTION, INC. Defendant: MILPITAS - DISTRICT IASSOCIATES, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, et al. pR00 F o F SERV'CE Hearing Date: Time: Dept/Div: Case Number. SUMMONS 19CV348486 At the time ofservice Iwas at least 18 years of age and not a party to this action. Iserved copies of the PLAINTIFFJOSEPH CONSTRUCTION, |NC.'S DOE AMENDMENT TO FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT, SEE ATTACHED LIST OFADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS SERVED a. Party served: DOE 1: International Fidelity Insurance Company b. Person served: VICTORIA GLISSON, GENERAL MANAGER 4. Address where the party was served: 2999 Oak Road, Suite 820, Walnut Creek, CA 94597 I served the party: a. by personal service. | personally delivered the documents listed in item 2 to the pa rty or person authorized to receive service of process for the pa rty (1) on (date): Tue, Sep 24 201 9 (2) at (time): O1 :27 PM (1) m (business) (2) E (home) (3) E (other): The "Notice to the Person Served" (on the summons) was completed as follows: a. E as an individual defendant. b m as the person sued under the fictitious name of (speajjz): DOE1 c. E as occupant. d m On behalf of (specijjd: International Fidelity Insurance Company under the following Code of Civil Procedure section:m 41 6.1 O (corporation) E 41 5.95 (business organization, form unknown)E 41 6.20 (defunct corporation) E 41 6.60 (minor)E 41 6.30 (joint stock compa ny/association) E 41 6.70 (wa rd or conservatee)E 41 6.40 (association or partnership) E 41 6.90 (authorized person)E 41 6.50 (public entity) E 41 5.46 (occupa nt)E other: Judicial Council Form POS-O10 PROOF OF 3787836 Rule 2.150.(a)&(b) RevJanuary 1, 2007 SERVICE (844000) IRsrLEGAL SUMMONS Page1 of 2 Attorney or Party without Attorney: KE NNE DY & SOUZA, APC KE NYA T. TANGONAN, ESQ. (227899) 7964 ARJONS DRIVE, SUITE "I" SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 Telephone No: 858-267-41 27 Ref. No. or File No.:Attorney For: Plaintiff 5285 Insert name of Court, andjudicial District and Branch Coun: SANTA CLARA COUNTY SUPERIOR COU RT P/aintifi? RICHARDJOSEPH CONSTRUCTION, INC. Defendant: MILPITAS - DISTRICT IASSOCIATES, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, et al. For Court Use Only SUMMONS PR00 F O F SERV|c E Hearing Date: Tim e: Dept/Div: Case Number. 1 9CV348486 Recoverable cost Per CCP 1033.5(a)(4)(B) 7. Person who served papers a. Name: Dennis Kittleson b. Address: c/o FIRST LEGAL 1111 6th Avenue, Ste. 204 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 c. Telephone number: (619) 231-91 11 d. The fee for service was: $272.25 e. lam: (1) E nota registered California process server. (2) E exempt from registration under Business and Professions Code section 22350(b). (3) m a registered California process server: (i) Downer Eemployee mindependent contractor (ii) Registration No: 130422 (iii) County: Solano 8. I declare under penalty ofpeljury under the laws of the State of California that theforegoing is true and correct. @ 09/25/201 9 (Date) judicial Council Form POS-O10 PROOF OF Rule 2.150.(a)&(b) RevJanuary 1, 2007 SERV|CE IRSTLEGAL SUMMONS Dennis Kittleson SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA CASE NO.: 19CV348486 CASE NAME: Richard Joseph Construction, Inc. v Milpitas ‐ District 1 Associates, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company; et al. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS SERVED: SUMMONS COMPLAINT CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET CIVIL LAWSUIT NOTICE ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION INFORMATION SHEET FACESHEET: RECORDED NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION AMENDED SUMMONS FIRST AMENDED COMPLANT