Notice AppealCal. Super. - 6th Dist.November 7, 2019IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR COURT USE ONLY IN AND FOR THE COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA Filed STREE; AD:::::: 1:1 : First Streset San Jose California 95113 November 5’ 201 9 MAILIN AD : 1 1 nh F' t t CITY AND ZIP CODE S Jo é C": r'eet95113 Clerk Of the court I an OS . alOrnla . Superior Court of CA BRANCH NAME: Appeals Division THE PEOPLE 0F THE STATE 0F county 0f santa Clara PLA'NT'FF‘ CALIFORNIA F1 90061 5 RESPONDENT; ANTHONY DEMARco COTA 33/3 VParham CASE NUMBER: NOTICE 0F FILING NOTICE 0F MISDEMEANOR APPEAL “900615 1 9 A P 0 fl? 26 0 6 Please take notice that a Notice of Appeal from the court date of October 04, 2019 in the above entitled action was filed in this office on November 01. 2019 Date: November 05, 201 9 Clerk of the Court S$gned: 11/5/2019 12:06 PM Clerk, by %”” Deputy Victoria Parham CLERK’S CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I certify that I am not a party of this cause and that a true copy of this document was mailed first class postage, fully pre-paid, in a sealed envelope addressed as shown below and the document was mailed at San Jose, California, on November 05, 2019. Clerk of the Court Signed: 11/5/2019 12:06 PMfifa- Victoria Parham Clerk, by . Deputy cc; Appellate Division Superior Court of California County of Santa Clara 191 North First St. San Jose, CA 951 1 3 (Pony Mail) DA's Office 70 W. Hedding St, 6‘“ Floor West Wing San Jose, CA 951 10 Attn: Motions Desk (Pony Mail) Public Defender 120 West Mission Street, San Jose Ca 95110 Notice of Appeal (Misdemeanor) CR-132 Instructions This form is only for appealing in a misdemeanor case. You can get other forms for appealing in a civil or infraction case at any courthouse or county law library or online at Before you fill out this form, read Information on Appeal Proceduresfor Misdemeanors (form CR-13 I-INFO) to know your rights and responsibilities. You can get form CR-13 l-INFO at any courthouse or county law library or online at www.commcagavZ/orms. You must file this form no later than 30 days after the trial court issued the judgment or order you are appealing (see rule 8.853(b) of the California Rules of Court for very limited exceptions). Ifyour notice of appeal is late, the court will not take your appeal. Fill out this form and make a copy of the completed form for your records. Take or mail the completed form to the clerk’s office for the same trial court that issued the judgment or order you are appealing. It is a good idea to take or mail an extra copy to the clerk and ask the clerk to stamp it to show that the original has been filed. Your Information . a. Name oprpellant (the party who is filing this appeal): Name: Cierk stamps date hem when form is filed. FiLEfi Novo 2019 ‘ You fill in (he name and street address of the court (hat issued the judgment or orderyou are appealing: Superior Court of California, County of Moxgun Hm- Scum Loonyw mama PNe mxgan Hm, ca £19037 You fill in the number and name of the m‘al ooutt mse in which you are appealing thejudgment or order Trial Court Case Number: Wow; Trial Court Case Name: 990? v. \rcen'monq Lo’rqfi You fill in the appellate diviE'Ian case number (if you know it): Appellate Division Case Number: 19A P002606 Street Mailing address (ifdzfl‘erent): Streetaddress: 3“ LHMHO hug fi'HHE WLiflQg? Slate Zip Street o -1 - b. Appellant’s lawyer (skip this ifthe appellant isfilling out thisjbrm): The lawyer filling out this form is (check (1) or (2)): Phone: E-mail ({favailable): was the appellant's lawyer in the trial court. CW State Zip O (2) U is the appellant’s lawyer for this appeal.(1) State Bar number:m: gaxah Qawwar 321325123-” nuganijxLMStreetaddres'smwfiflfifld B V . 0 Statesaver City Mailing address (ifdzflerenl): Shae! City Stat Zip Phone: - 0 ' :)g2b E-mail (Ifavailablel' Fax (ifavailable): \m 'qgfi ' nil Judah! Counci of Camomia.mmamv Revised Marci 1. 2014, Optional Form Cal Rules of Court. rub 8.853 CR-1 32. Page 1 of 2Notice of A ealPP 9(Misdemeanor) Trial Court Case Number: Trial Court Case Name: Judgment or Order You Are Appealing I am/My client is appealing (check one): The final judgment of conviction in this case (Penal Code section l466(2)(A)). D I am/My client is contesting only the conditions of the probation. b. U The following order made after the judgment in this case that affects an important right ofmine/my client ' (for example, an order afier a probation violation) (Penal Code section 1466(2)(B)). E] An order modifying the conditions of probation. D Other(describe the action you are appealing and give the date the trial court took the action): c. U The trial court has not yet issued a final judgment in this case. I am appealing before finaljudgment an order that denied a motion to suppress evidence in this case (Penal Code section 1538.50)). d. Other action (describe the actionnd/oulare apfealing!andgjive the date the trial court took the action): \‘a 199] l ® Record on Appeal Seeform CR-13I-INFOfor information about the record on appeal.) a. W The finaljudgment of conviction in this case (Penal Code section 1466(2)(A)). b. D I have not attached a Notice Regarding Record on Appeal (Misdemeanor) (form CR-134). I understand that] must file this notice in the trial court within either: (1) 20 days afier I file this notice of appeal; or, if it is later, (2) 10 days afier the court appoints a lawyer for me (if I file a request for a coprt-appointed lawyer within 20 days after I file my notice of appeal). I also understand that if I do not file the notice on time, the court will not be able to consider what was said in the trial coun in deciding whether an error was made in he triai court proceedings. ® Court-Appointed Lawyer a. I/My client g was U was not represented by the public defender or another court-appointed lawyer in the trial cou . b. I am/My client is (check (I) or (2)): (1) g asking the court to appoint a lawyer to represent me/my client in this appeal. I have completed Request far Court-Appointed Lawyer in Misdemeanor Appeal (form CR-l33) and attached it to this noticeuof appeal. (2) U not asking the court to appoint a lawyer to represent me/my client in this appeal. REMINDER-Except in the very limited circumstances listed in rule 8.835(b), you must file this form no later than 30 days after the trial court issued the judgment or order you are appealing in your case. If your notice of appeal is late, the court will not take your appeal. Dam \\l \l \q ' ' >flfi/(Q/ Type orprimyour name SignWre ofapfiéflant or attorney WWW-m ‘ Notice of Appeal CR4”. P8992“? (Misdemeanor) ' NE Appemmca A -1 . . . n“, ’4‘ Defendantpmsant D NotpresenzDAppWav Any Present S 2- w] J VMY AWOISpecialApp/Genem 1 SOUTH COUNTY CASE No. F1 900615 301 DIANA AVENUE CEN 19501 109 . - MORGAN HILL, CA 95037 _ TE 1010412019 930%; 11o FEOPLE vs, COTA, ANTI~I0NY DEMARco ' .fi‘f- 6/20/1999 CA 255206 cov BK: N UM 20 cnouno 1; 20:5 :ci EFleoa M MORGAN HILL CA, 95037 CLERK M0110N FOR NEW TRIAL HON. HARRIS. MATTHEW HEARING CHPGIstso JUDGE ANTONIO, STAcrE $1.75ng Jail “ME N0 r wmveo- OWNTW REPORTEWER PUBLIC DEFENDER, RECOGNIZANCE DEF. Am_ D_A_ H.Berwando Apo warrant Amt V‘OI Dt' 1,30019 CHARGES om vc23152 M . 001 vc13202.5 E E01m 19A9002606 D Arr'd U Adv D AnWav D Amend Compllnfo . Arr D Flea D IDC D PTC D Probl Sent U Interpreter D P6977 U Filed D 0n File D Replr. 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D EdudVoc rI‘rng/Empl D No alcohol l drugs or where sold ATTY S ConsedConc (o Substance Abuse. ych. Thefl. Anger Mgmt. DV. Patenling cnsl I pram S Fine I Fees D Deemed Satisfied D Commuter! D PC296 (DNA) D P012021 HIV Tesl/ Education PIINVEST $___ D PISUP S IMO U Waived VOPIPRCSIMS: D Wav U Arr‘d U AdmityDenies Viol D Court Finds VOP I No VOP D CJAF 512915525950 S U Mdt'l FEE waived thIMSIPRCS Rein [Mod / Term'd I Revokedl Remains Rev ed / Ext lo D SECA. ICMF. ICIN. CJAF. PINVEST. PSUP FEES NOT COND. OF PROS D Original Tom‘s a Conditions Exoep! as Amended herelrfibey All Laws D Restitution D Gen S to D Co-terrninous wflh D No Furlher P allies I Reviews D Restitution as determined by Court D Collect Civilly Other: D Restil Admin Fee NTE 15% of tolal D Restii Admin Fee Waived JAIIJPRISON D See Attach! 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