Motion to Vacate Small ClaimsCal. Super. - 6th Dist.December 17, 2018NOV 1 3 2020 Name and Address of Court: 80-1 35 County of Santa Clara . W Downtown Superior Counhouse, Small Claims SMALL CLAIMS CASE NO" 1880076831 191 North First Street. San Jose, CA 951 13 I PLAINTIFFIDEMANDANTE (Name, street address, endlefephone number o! each): I DEFENDANTIDEMANDADO (Name, street address, andrelepnone number o! each); I Robert G. Cummings Cory Narog 2000 Broadway Street P.O. Box 1871 Redwood City. CA 94063 Cupel‘tino, CA 95015 Telephone No.1650 434-2541 I I Telephone No.:408 986-7021 I TeIephona No; I I Telephone No.; NOV 1 6 2020 E See attached sheet for additional plaintiffs and defendants. Clezk nf ‘ NOTICE T0 (Name): Robert Cummings, 2000 Broadway Street, Redwood City. CA 94063 BYSFTJ Bwfig EEWF; a 55PM Clam Una de Ias pades en e! caso le ha solicit? Ogle c rte que DEJE One of the parties has asked the court to CANCEL the small SIN EFECTO Ia decisio'n tomada en su c so orla corte para claims judgment in your case. If you disagree with this reclamosjudiciales menores. Si usted esta en desacuerdo con request, you should appear in this court on the hearing date esta solicitud, debe presentarse en esta code en Ia fecha de Ia shown below. If the request is granted, ANOTHER TRIAL may audiencia indicada a continuacién. Si se concede esta soiicitud, immediately be held. Bring all witnesses, books, receipts, es posible que se efec-tde otrojuicio inmediatamente. Traiga a and other papers or things with you to support your case. todos sus testigos, libros, recibos, y otros documentos o cosas para presentan'os en apoyo de su caso. NOTICE OF MOTION TO VACATE (CANCEL) JUDGMENT 1. A hearing will be held in this court at which | will ask the court to cancel the judgment entered against me in this case. nyou wish to oppose the motion you should appear at the court on HEARING DATE 1. Z / FECHA 2' DEL ' ' JUICIO 3- 2. I am asking the couri 1o cancel Ihejudgment for the reasons stated in item 5 below. My request is based on this notice of motion and declaration. the records on file with the coun, and any evidence that may be presented at the hearing. DECLARATION FOR MOTION T0 VACATE (CANCEL) JUDGMENT 3. Judgment was entered against me in this case on (date): Nov, 7‘, 020::20 4. l first learned ofthe entry ofjudgment against me 0n (date): Nov. 4‘, 303° 5. I am asking the court to cancel thejudgment for the fo1|owing reason: _ a. E l did not appear at the trial of this claim because (specify facts): b. Other (specify facts): Court would not provide listening devices to Narog. Matter was on a flat fee. already paid not hourly 6. I understand that I must bring with me to {he hearing on this motion all witnesses. books, receipts, and other papers or things to sup- port my case. | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is tr and correct. Date: November 12. 2020 ’ // ICory Narog M M (TVPE 0R PRINT NAME) / " /(SIGNATURE) CLERK'S CERTIFICATE 0F MAILING” / | certify that | am not a party to this action. This Notice of Motion to Vacate Judgment and Declaration was mailed first class. postage prepaid. in a sealed envggpe to the responding party at the address shown above. The mailing and this certification occmred at (place): Jag . California, on (date): NOV 1 6 2020 Clerk. by bbm!90 , Deputy l- - The county provides small claims adviser semces free Ojiflchargev l Page1 ol'1' Form ApprovedforOptionaI Use NOTICE 0F MOTION T0 VACATE JUDGMENT AND DECLARATION Code oleivil Procedure §§ 116.720, JudicialCouncilofCélrfomia Cl . 116.730.118.740 SC-135[Rev,January1.20071 (smau alms) www.counscagov Yvette Narog P.O. Box 1871 Cu pertino, CA 95015 Superion Court of California County of Sa nta Clara 191 North-first Street Yvette Narog vs. Safeway San Jose, California 95113 Case No. 205C082871 ‘ October 02, 2020, 1:00 pm Attention: PresidingJudge Dear Presiding Judge Ryan, ln the above Case 20$C082871, Yvette Narog vs. Safeway, I am asking that Commissioner Christine Copeland be removed from this Case. Many yea‘rs ago my adult son had dated Christine Copeland, and | fear that Christine Copeland will retaliate in any ruling on this matter. ;.__ Ideclare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct under The Laws of the State of California, Cupertino, California. ,/./’ Dater: September 28, 2020 By: M/Zx «ette Narog ( 2 i... I RECEIVED SEE? 2 9 2020 mgmemmcm ”*BTHNHEl-fieF-BEBUW