Default EnteredCal. Super. - 6th Dist.November 20, 2018CIV-100 I TTORIIF Y OR PAII TY AITHOUT ACTOR li V ,N«IL Thomas F Jeffrey tiRLi NAMr Law Office of Thomas Jeffrey s-rtrrr ALCRrss 1400 N Dutton Avenue, Suite 21 ot» Santa Rosa srxrr CA zc'cooE 95401 TLLLPHUNT No (707) 543-8530 r Ax ito (707) 543-8549 f MAS.AOCRrss tom@tteffreylaw corn ArlcRIIL Y roR. c cl Commeroal Collection Service. Inc SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA siREEi Aocfsss 191 N First Street ICIAILING AOONL SS OITY ANorlv cool San Jose, CA 95 1 I 3 SRANC NALIL Plaintiff/Petitioner Commercial Collection Service. Inc DefendanuRespondent Castillo s Plumbing 8 Design, Inc., and Daniel Castillo REQUEST FOR L xg Entry of Default j Clerk's Judgment (Application) xg Court Judgment Not for use in actions under the Fair Debt Buying Practices Act (C I TO THE CLERK On the complaint or cross-complaint filed a on (dale) Nov 20, 2018 b by (name) Commeroal Collection Service, Inc c j xj Enter detault of defendant (names) ( axtflki's I'lunihifig Lf: I)colgff. I filk, aiifl D'iliici ( 'islilln FOR COURT VSE ONLY CARI NUMIILN IBCV338201 iv. Code, 6 1788.50 et seq.) (see CIV-)05) d I x j I requesl a court ludgment under Code of Civil Procedure secuons 585(b). 585(c). 989, elc, against defendant (names) (;fstf lid's Plumbing LFL Design, Inc., and Daniel Cifstfllo (Testimony required Apply lo the clerk for a hearing dale. unless the courf will enler a )udgment on an affidavit under Code Civ Proc I) 585(d) ) e j I Enter clerk's ludgmenl (I) ~ for restitution of the premises only and issue a wnt of execution on the judgment code of civd procedure section 1174(c) does not apply (Code Civ Proc, i$ 1169 I Include in the iudgment all tenants. subtenants, named claimants. and other occupants of the premises The Preludgirrenf Claim of Righl fo Possession was served in compltance with Code of Ciwl Procedure section 415 46 I2) ~ under Code of Civil Piocedure section 585(a) (Complete the declaration under Code Civ Proc, g 585 5 on the reverse (item 5) ) (3) ~J for default previously entered on (dale) 2 Judgment to be entered. Amount Credits acknowledged a Demand of complaint $ 7,530 37 5 b Statement of damages'1) Speoal 5 (2) General 5 c Interest 5 d Costs (see reverse) 5 e Attorney fees TOTALS 5 Balance $ 7,530 37 5 $ $ 1,293 68 $ 335 00 $ 1.251 82 $ 10410 87 $ $ $ 535 60 $ 335 00 $ 1,251.82 5 10,410 87 ISIOI ATURE Of Pl AIN TTORNEY FOR PIAINIIFFT Thomas F JeftreV 11 Pf OR PRINT I AME I ll) ~ Default entered as requested on (dale) l2) ~ Default NOT entered as requested (stare reason) Clerk, by REQUEST FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT (Application to Enter Default) FOR COURT IJSE ONLY Pcsc I ol Yt C CCI- IOM 9 C Elise&oct 11 9 '** coUrts Nt so I O H ASOCICC tot tlcrtoc'O I UXC Uocol Coo"I'otCT IN c g Daily damages were demanded in complaint at the rate of $ per day beginning (dafe) ( Peisonal infury or wrorrgful death actions, Code Civ Proc, IJ'25 11 ) 3 ~ (Check lf filed in an unlawful detamer case) Legal document assistant or unlawful detainer assistant information is on the reverse (complete flem 4) Date Jan 21 2020 on 1/21/2020 1:56 PM Reviewed By: M Vu Envelope: 3915370 FILED County of Santa Clara Superior Court of CA Clerk of The Court 18CV338201 By: DHarris 01/21/2020 01/21/2020X DHarris Plaint ff/Petitioner ~ DefendandRespondenl commermal collecaon service, Inc I chs N"Ms ' 18CV338201 CIV-100 4 Legal document assistant or unlawful detainer assistant (Bus. & Prof. Code, g 6400 et seq ). A legal document assistant or unlawful detainer assistant ~i did ~ didnot for compensation give advice or assistance with this form, If declarant has recewed any help or advice for oay from a legal document assistant or unlavifcl detainer assistant, state a. Assistant's name; b Street addiess city, and zip code c. Telephone no. d Coui ty uf reglhtialion e Registration no f. Expires on (dale) ~» Declaration under code civ. proc., 6 585.5 (for entry of uefaulf urxfei coda civ proc., tj 585(a)) This action a ~~ is ~» is not on a contract or installment sale for goods or services subject to Cw Code, 5 1801 et seq (Unruh Act) b ~I] is ~» is nol on a condibonal sales contract subiect to Crv Code, g 2981 et seq (Rees-Levenng Iylotor Vehicle Sales and Finance Acti c j is ~» is not on an cbhgation for goods, seniices, loans orextensions of credl sut:iect lo code cw proc, f 395(b) 5 Declaration of mailing (Code Civ. Proc., 6 587). A copy of this Raquns'oi Entry nr Darauil was a [~ not mailed to the following defencan:s, whose addresses a e unknown to plaintiff or plamtiffs attorney (names) b j Q» mailed f rst-class. postage prepaid. in a sealed envelope addressed to eaci'eferdant's attorney of record or, if none, to each defendants lasl known address as follows (1) Mailed on (dale) January 21. 2020 (2) To (speedy names and addresses shown on lhe envelopes) Castillo's Plumbing & Design Inc, and l)anial Castillo 1720 Hester Avenue, San Jose. CA 95128 I declare Mncer pcr alty ol per)ury under the laws of the State of Ca ifornia that the foregoing items 4, 5 and 6 are true and correct Dale January 21, 2020 Archimedes Alexiov il I'EoR Pvlh! ' '2»i ISII'NA URE Of OECLARAI II 7. Memorandum of costs (required if money)udrgmaili raquaslad) Coals and disbursements are as follows (Code Civ Proc, g 1033 5) a Clerk's liling fees b. Process server's fees c Other (specify) d e. TOTAL $ 225 00 5 110 00 5 5 5 335 00 f l~ Costs and disbursements are waived 9 I am The attorney agent. or party who claims these casts To[he best of my kriowledge and be!iof this memorandum of costs is correct and these costs were necessarily incurred in Ihis case I declare under oerlalty of periury under the laws of the Stotc of Cokfornia that the fore oing is true and correct Date 1/21/20 irIPT: oR I'N'afaa islcNATUI EEE DEcLARI NTI 8 Declaration of nonmilitary status (requiied for eyidginanl) No detendant named in rem 1c of the appkcation is in the piititary service asti at term is deFined by either the Sarvicemembers Civil Re:Ief Ack 5C U S C App g 3911(2), or California Military andVeterans Code section 400(b) I declare under penalty of perlury ur,oer Ihe Date 1'21r20 Thomas F Jeffrey TTTPE OR PR 'll hAMEI'iv-Tag l»ey oaoo»y 'gllil (Application to Enter Default) laws of the State cf Ca ifornia that the foreg g s true and cor ect (Sic'IATC OTC SANTI REQUEST FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT Page 2 or 2