Proof of Service Summons DLR CivilCal. Super. - 6th Dist.November 7, 20181BCV337337 Santa Clara - Civil POS_01 o ATTORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY System SJstem _A1bert L. Thuesen III (Bar # 215564) Coit Law Group . _ 75 Broadway, Suite 202, San Francisco, CA 941 11 IGCtronIFally Flled TELEPHONE No.: (415) 787-2648 FAX No. (Optional): (415) 329-2648 b superlor court 0f CA, E-MAILADDRESS(0ptionaI): ounty Of santa Clara, ATTORNEY FOR (Name).- Troy Milton, Plaintiff o 2/1 5/201 9 3:07 PM SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA Reviewed By: System System :;:;:::::EESS: 101 North Fll‘St St. Case #1 8CV337337 CITY AND ZIP CODE; San JOSC 951 13 EnveIOpe: 2521088 BRANCH NAME; DTS PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: TROY MILTON eAsE NUMBER; DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT; MOUNTZ, INC, LOREN ZEHL, and DOES 1 T0 20 18cv337337 Ref. No. or File No.: PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS (Separate proof of service is required for each party served.) 1. At the time of service | was at least 18 years of age and not a party to this action. 2. | served copies of: a- summons complaint Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) package Civil Case Cover Sheet (served in complex cases only) cross-complaint other (specify documents): Notice of Acknowledgement and Receipt Civil Lawsuit Notice . Party served (specify name ofparty as shown on documents served): LOREN ZEHL EDD!!! b c d. e f 9’ m b. Person (other than the party in item 3a) served on behalf of an entity or as an authorized agent (and not a person under item 5b on whom substituted service was made) (specify name and relationship to the party named in item 3a): Jesswa Luke, Attorney 4. Address where the party was served: 275 Battery St. San Francisco, CA 941 11 5. | served the party (check proper box) a_ E by personal service. | personally delivered the documents listed in item 2 to the party or person authorized to receive service of process for the party (1) on (date): (2) at (time): b. E by substituted service. On (date): at (time): | left the documents listed in item 2 with or in the presence of (name and title or relationship to person indicated in item 3): (1) E (business) a person at least 18 years of age apparently in charge at the office or usual place of business ofthe person to be served. | informed him or her of the general nature ofthe papers. (2) E (home) a competent member ofthe household (at least 18 years of age) at the dwelling house or usual place of abode ofthe party. | informed him or her ofthe general nature ofthe papers. (3) E (physical address unknown) a person at least 18 years of age apparently in charge at the usual mailing address of the person to be sewed, other than a United States Postal Service post office box. | informed him or her of the general nature ofthe papers. (4) E | thereafter mailed (by first-class, postage prepaid) copies of the documents to the person to be served at the place where the copies were left (Code Civ. Proc., § 415.20 . | mailed the documents on (date): from (city): or a declaration of mailing is attached. (5) E | attach a declaration of diligence stating actions taken first to attempt personal service. Page 1 of 2 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS Code of Civil Procedure, §417.10 Judicial Council of California POS-010 [Rev. January 1, 2007] LexisNexis® Automated California Judicial Council Forms PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: TROY MILTON CASE NUMBER: 18cv337337 TDEFENDANT/RESPONDENTI MOUNTZ, INC., LOREN ZEHL, and DOES 1 TO 20 5_ c_ E by mail and acknowledgment of receipt of service. | mailed the documents listed in item 2 to the party, to the address shown in item 4, by first-class mail, postage prepaid, (1) on (date): (2) from (city): (3) E with two copies of the Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt and a postage-paid return envelope addressed to me. (Attach completed Notice and Acknowledgement of Receipt.) (Code Civ. Proc., § 415.30.) (4) E to an address outside California with return receipt requested. (Code Civ. Proc., § 415.40.) d_ by other means (specify means of service and authorizing code section): Agreed upon electronic mail service of acknowledgement of receipt and service upon counsel of record. Attached hereto at Exhibit 1 E Additional page describing service is attached. 6. The "Notice to the Person Served" (on the summons) was completed as follows: a. as an individual defendant. as the person sued under the fictitious name of (specify): as occupant. On behalf of (specify): under the following Code of Civil Procedure section: EDD E 416.10 (corporation) E 415.95 (business organization, form unknown)E 416.20 (defunct corporation) E 416.60 (minor)E 416.30 (joint stock company/association) E 416.70 (ward or conservatee)E 416.40 (association or partnership) E 416.90 (authorized person)E 416.50 (public entity) E 415.46 (occupant)E other: 7. Person who served papers a. Name: ALBERT L. THUESEN b. Address: 75 BROADWAY, SUITE 202, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 941 11 c. Telephone number: d. The fee for service was: $ e. | am: (1) X not a registered California process server. (2) exempt from registration under Business and Professions Code section 22350(b). (3) a registered California process server: (i) E owner E employee E independentcontractor. (ii) Registration No.: (iii) County: 8- l declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. or 9. E I am a California sheriff or marshal and | certify that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: February 15, 2019 ALBERT L. THUESEN ’ (NAME OF PERSON WHO SERVED PAPERS/SHERIFF 0R MARSHAL) (SIGNATURE ) POS-O10 [Rev. January 1, 2007] PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS Pagez of2 LexisNexis® Automated California Judicial Council Forms POS-015 FOR COURT USE ONLY ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, Slate Bar number, and addreas): Albert L. Thuesen EH (Bar # 215564) Coit Law Group 75 Broadway, Suite 202 Sau Fraucisco, CA 94111 TELEPHONE NO : (415) 787-2648 E-MAIL ADDRESS (Opbonal): ATTORNEY FOR (Name). Troy MlltOU, Plajutiff SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA STREET address: JQl Noitll Fil'-St St. MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: FAX NO, (Opnonao, (4 Sau Jose 95113 DTS 15) 329-2648 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: Troy Milton DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT; Mountz, Inc.: Loren Zehl: Does 1 to 20 CASE NUMBER: NOTICE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT-CIVIL 18cv337337 TO (insert name of party being served): LOREN ZEHL NOTICE The summons and other documents identified below are being served pursuant to section 415.30 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. Your failure to complete this form and return it within 20 days from the date of mailing shown below may subject you (or the party on whose behalf you are being served) to liability for the payment of any expenses incurred in serving a summons on you in any other manner permitted by law. If you are being served on behalf of a corporation, an unincorporated association (including a partnership), or other entity, this form must be signed by you in the name of such entity or by a person authorized to receive service of process on behalf of such entity. In all other cases, this form must be signed by you personally or by a person authorized by you to acknowledge receipt of If you return this form to the sender, service of a summons is deemed complete on the day you sign the acknowledgment of receipt below. summons. Jaiiuaiy 8, 2019Date of mailing: ►ALBERT L. THUESEN (SIGNATURE OF SENDER-MUST NOT BE A PARTY IN THIS CASE)(TYPE OR PR NT NAME) ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT This acknowledges receipt of (to be completed by sender before mailing): 1. I X I A copy Of the summons and of the complaint. 2. CxH Other fspec//y); See Attachmeut 2 (To be completed by recipient): Date this form is signed: ► E OF PERSON ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT, WITH TITLE IF ilENT IS MADE ON BEHALF OF ANOTHER PERSON OR ENTITY) January 28, 2019 (TYPE OR PRINT YOUR NAME AND NAfAE OF ENTITY, F ANY, ON WHOSE BEHALF THIS FORM IS SIGNED) (SIG ;diACKN Attorneys for Defendants Mountz, Inc. and Loren Zehl Page 1 of 1 Code of Civil Procedure. §§415.30,417.10 NOTICE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT - CIVILForm Adopted for Mandalory UseJudicial Council of California PO&-015 [Rev, January 1, 2005] L€xisNexist> Automated California Judicial Council Forms