Order FiledCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 6, 2018SC-1 52 Order on Request to Postpone Trial On (dare).-v ' $ filed a request to postpone the (name): M\(n\€/\ C16“? m'\(CX€/\ trial in this case. The court orders: i (D The Request to Postpone Trial is approved, and the court orders the trial is po’stponed as indicated in ®. ® D The Request to Postpone Trial is denied because: a.D b.|:l c. D d. D The Request did not include a good reason for the postponem'entL The Request Was not filed at least 10 days before the hearing and did not include a good reason for the late request. The required $10 filing fee was not paid. Other: D Continued m Attachment SC-I52, item 2(a). ® The trial will be held as follows: Clerk stamps here when form is filed. Fill in the court name and street address: Superior Court of California, County of " 119mm am a? mmmma w County of Santa Cruz. 1 Second Street 'Watsonville, CA 95076 Fill in your case number and case naine: Case Number: \ 6 CVO\Oqbk Case Name: L F 2 g j ‘ . \ Trial ‘1 Time: [Z ‘ 3Q Dept. Z i Date : , _ ' I Name and address ofcourt zfdzfi’erent than address above: @ The clerk will mail a copy of this order to: a. E The person who asked for the postponement. b. D A11 plaintiffs and Date: ( 4 Zal I 5/ ' Judi'cial oflfc/ei" I I Need help? I . For flee help, contact your county’s small claims advisor: {Eocai “312%: §§é>§°e§ Request for Accommodations Assistive listening systems, computer-assisted re'al-time captioning, or sign language interpreter services are available if you ask at least five days before tlhe tn'al. Contact the clerk’s office for Requestfor Accommodations by Persons With Disabilities and Response (Form MC-410). (Civil Code, § 54.8) J defendants at the addresses listed in the court’s records. rgfl/W / 'REBECCA mummy. Or go to “Count!y-Spe‘cific Court Information” at www.couriinfo.ca.gov/sélfhelp/smallclaims Judicial Council of California, www.courtinfo.ca.grl)v New July 1, 201 O, Optional Form Code ofCiviI Procedure. § 116.570 (Small Claims) Order on Request to Postpone Trial sc-152