Proof of Service Summons DLR CivilCal. Super. - 6th Dist.October 10, 2017A1 YWEY a? =ARTV WHNOU1 AWORNEV (Name, State BU W. BM were“): Dean Alper, 117305 Alper 8. McCulloch 100 Drakes Landing Road. Suite 160 Greenbrae CA 94904 ratsmou: no. (415)785-8814 [mommy row tum)- Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, courmr OF Superior Court of California. Santa Clara County 191 N. First Street San Jose. CA 95113-1090 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: 'Farmers Insurance Exchange. a California lnterinsu usanuuasn: DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: Pacific Gas 8- Electric Company. et al. 17CV317069 Rel. No. of VI: No.1 PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS 510.781 nu :- a 1. Al the time of service I was a citizen oi the United States. at least 18 years of age and not a party to this action. D I I'H 2_ I served copies at 001-Summons. 002-Civil Case Cover Sheet. ODS-complaint for damages to property, 004- Civil Lawsuit Notice. 005-ADR Info Sheet. COS-Substitution of Attorney.endorsed 3. a, Party served; Sara Godoy Desugura b. Person Served: Jennifer Ortega - Co-Occupant 4. Address where the party was served: 3555 Warburlon Avenue , #123 Santa Clara, CA 95051 5. I served the party b by substituted service On (dale): 01/08/2018 at (time): 7228PM I tell the documents listed in item 2 with or in the presence 01' Jennifer Ortega- Co-Occupant (2) (home) a competent member of the household (at least 18 years of age) at. the dwelling house or usual place oi abode of the party. I lnlormed him or her at the general nature of the papers. (4) A declaration of mailing ls attached. (5) I attach a declaration of diligence stating actions taken first to attempt personal service. 6. The "Notice to the Person Served” (on the summons) was completed as follows: a. as an individual defendant. 7. Person who sewed papers a~ Name: Michael L. Matthews. Jr '3‘ Address: One Legal - 194-Marin 504 Redwood Blvd #223 Novato. CA 94947 c. Telephone number. 41549143505 d. The fee for service was: 5 81.90 c. I am: (3) registered California process server. (i) Employee or independent contractor. . (II) Registration No 570 (III) County SANTA CLARA a. l declare under penalty or perjury under the laws 01 the United States at America and the State 01 Calilornla that the tang?“ _, correct. Date: 01/10/2018 /:5 /_/ , / (- //: '/ Michael L. Matthews, Jr mm: o: reason who seem PAPERS) .stcwnunE) Form )czaxw tor umrw ‘Ju Cod: .4 cut Hanan. I "7 '9 immsmm" PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS CU! 1 1632095 A11 WEY OR PARTY VVIVIOUT A'HCfiNEY [Rm Ind Mann) Dean Alper. 117305 Alper 8- McCulloch 100 Drakes Landing Road Greenbrae. CA 94904 Anonuev Foam-my Plaintiff TELEWE NO . (415)785-881 4 \ R01. NO. or Fl. Na. 510.781 Immmmdmmdlflaumlnw Santa Clara - First Street 191 N. First Street ‘ San Jose. CA 951 134 090 roe coum id or 20/3 JAN I 8 PLAIN'HFF. Farmers Insurance Exchange. at California lnlerinsurance Exhange mFENO/dfl: Pacific Gas & Electric Company, et at. DECLARATION OF DILIGENCE use HUBER: 17cv317069 I received the within process on 1/4/2018 and that afler due and diligent effort I have been unable to personally serve said party. The following itemization oi the dates and tlmes of attempts details the efforts required to effect personal service. Additional costs for diligence-are recoverable under CCP §1033.5 (a)(4)(B). mm, seaveo: Sara Godoy Desugura (1)Home: 3555 Warburton Avenue .#123, Santa Clara, CA 95051 As enumerated below. BY FAX On 1/5/2018 8:13:00 PM at address (1) above. No Answer Tn'ed residence, no response at door. On 1/6/2018 10:57:00 AM at address (1) above. No Answer Tried residence. no response at door. On 1/8/2018 7:28:00 PM at address (1) above. No Answer Tried residence, not In per daughter. Registered California process server. County: SANTA CLARA Registration No.: 570 Michael L. Matthews, Jr One Legal - 194-Marin 504 Redwood Blvd #223 Novato, CA 94947 01/10/2018 at Lee Angels: Callomla. Calliorme that the loreooinu ls true and correctnfiet this declaration was mulled on 01. I! 11632035 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name and mm): TELEPHONE NO.: FOR COURT USE ONLY Dean Alper, 117305 (415)785-8814 Alper & McCulloch 100 Drakes Landing Road FELED Greenbrae. CA 94904 Rumor-113m. ArrOayronmm); Plaintiff 510.781 . . Mamaamwmaammuw Zflle JAN '8 A 10: 55 Santa Clara - First Street ' 191 N, First Street ' CLERK OF THE COURT _ SUPERlOR C San Jose, CA 95113 1090 COUNTY or OURT 0F CA PLAINTTFF: Farmers Insurance Exchange, a California lnterinsurance Exhange DEFENDANT: 1,42%}. Pacific Gas & Electric Company, et al, ‘ 0 CASE NUMBER: PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL DEPT 9 17cv317069 FAX- I am a citizen of the United States, over the age of 18 and not a party to the within action. My business address is 504 Redwood Blvd. Suite 223 Novato CA 94947. On 01/09/2018, after substituted service under section CCP 415.20(a) or 415.20(b) or FRCP 4(e)(2)(B) or FRCP 4(h)(1)(B) was made (if applicable). I mailed copies of the: 001-Summons, 002-Civil Case Cover Sheet, DOS-complaint for damages to property, 004-Civil Lawsuit Notice, 005- ADR Info Sheet, 006~Substitution of Attorneyendorsed to the person to be sewed at the place where the copies were left by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope, with First Class postage thereon fully prepaid, in the United States Mail at Los Angeles . Caliiomia, addressed as follows: Sara Godoy Desugura 3555 Warburton Avenue , #123 Santa Clara, CA 95051 I am readily familiar with the firm's practice for collection and processing of documents for mailing. Under that practice, it would be deposited within the United States Postal Service, on that same day, with postage thereon fully prepaid, in the ordinary course of business. I am aware that on motion of the party sewed, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage meter date is more than one (1) day after date of deposit for mailing in affidavit, Fee for Service: 5 81.90 of Calilomia that the loregoihg IS true and correct and that this declaration was executed on 01/10/2018 at Los Angeles, Calliomia. One Legal - 194-Marin 504 Redwood Blvd #223 (”fl-gg-S. Novato, CA 94947 %/s ' Venus Boone 0L 3 11632095